Sean B

I’m betting it’ll be the “cash me ousside, how bow dah?” girl. She possesses an “it” quality, trump will find irresistible.

Come on now...he’s nowhere near as smart as Nixon

It’s a relief the media is investigating this as it’s much more of a priority over Trump’s shady business dealings, connections with Russia, pay for play cabinet and about 7000 other lies he’s told.

Back in 1998 my buddy was dating this girl that went to the University of Scranton. She let him know that RUN DMC was going to be performing at some tiny club called, “Tink’s.” I liked RUN DMC fine in the 80's but going to see them was more a novelty in 1998. So we go. Decent show, but afterwards my buddy and I bought

So Trump plagiarized Hitler, too? Shocker.

Expand. All that KFC and Chipotle will take its toll. Hope the Taft bathtub is still in the basement

Why does Bruce Wayne look like Skrillex in that Gotham photo?

This is fucking insane. Arlington should let the Rangers walk and try to find another sucker city to build them a brand new park. Then invite the A’s or Rays to move to Arlington and enjoy playing in a real stadium for the first time in their histories. Done and done. Once this happens, teams will be very apprehensive

No, but not due to the hubris factor. Do you have any idea how many insufferable assholes will be on the bow screaming out, “I’m the king of the world!!!” every second of that entire voyage? No thanks

I’ve made that exact same face when I come home and I can smell that my dog has done her business on the floor somewhere.

I was all about Samsung until the S6 came out. The removable battery and microsd are essential to me. I have an S5 now, but tif those two features don’t make a comeback, I’ll move on to another manufacturer when I need a new phone.

Stop or My Mom Will Shoot & Oscar. Two of Stallone’s less than stellar choices

This totally reminds me of the old Ralph McQuarrie concept art for Darth Vader.

I worked at McDonald’s in my town when I was about 16 and one night I was closing. We had a call out that night so we only had a guy in drive through, one in the grill (me) and one person up front at the registers. The girl up front was new so she had a million questions for me anytime anyone ordered anything that

I don’t think I’ve ever laughed outloud more reading an article in my entire life than I did this one. Many thanks

I will never understand Microsoft’s thinking. My ex bought me a Zune for Christmas 2006 and I was kind of bummed at first because I had heard so much about the iPod. I LOVED the Zune. Absolutely phenomenal device. But I hated the Zune software. It was slow to load, took forever to transfer music, etc. Why Microsoft

I had this same dream, probably a dozen times, but thankfully it hasn’t happened in about 10 years.
So I’m skateboarding (first weirdness because i haven’t skateboarded since I was a kid) at the local strip mall and this van pulls up and asks how to get to Birch Hill night club. Birch Hill is a long since demolished

Welcome back, Butch! What are some items NASA allowed you to bring that you felt were essential to living up there for that long? Favorite books, music, photos, etc.

I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts. This article is amazing