
When you do build in preferances you have to make sure you don’t really shaft a player group. Dragon Age, especially Inquisition just sucks if you are a dwarf, double a lady dwarf. That stops being fun.

Twisting Blades, with inner sight is basically unlimited energy on a boss fight, and they just go down like chumps. Grab a poison trap and the embedment that turns your returning blades into spinning aoe’s of death and your rogue is going to be a beast.

Democrat from Virginia died. 

Same, I'm 60/17 and have not run into this paywall that people are talking about. Sure leveling is slower between 40-60 in that you can hit 30 in a sitting and 40-60 might take a few days....which is not some evil paywall. 

Ad it is built upon the bones of Zweihander which is already a solid easy to learn d100 system. The changes they have made seem cool as hell. 

Watched that one again a while ago, and you can feel those studio edits with the goal is 2 hours or less in mind.

I’m enjoying it so far. I like the arrival in the future, I’m interested in the mystery, which is nice I wasn’t as interested in what the Red Angle was. I’m so happy Saru is finally not just Acting Captain but a for real 4 pip Captain.

You can have a phone, I can have a phone, but if nether side is really interested in talking then communication is lost. He says they sent a ship to Earth when their reactor, or whatever, blew. The EDF shot the ship down without hesitation. So it seems far more willful we don’t talk to people and we just shoot first

Comedy, that really old school feel works great in an animated comedy.

Dexter rolls into this small town looking for doughnuts and a damn fine cup of coffee, then ends up in the black lodge with BoB. That or nothing Showtime. 

This all the way. 

I had to walk away from Dance for a little while after that Ramsay sequence. The sexual violence in the books makes the show look like a kids cartoon.

Syphon Filter. I had just come off a massive MGS kick and thought this would scratch the itch. I’m really glad it was just a rental.

What are pipe dreams?

We won’t hear as much about them dying, because it will just be at home and not tested or counted. Got to keep the narrative that this is a urban (liberal) problem for only blue states.

I volunteer as Tribute! 

Because I care about anybody being forced to work 60-80 hours a week, no matter what they do. Seeing as this is a story about a video game from Naughty Dog, we are mad about video game crunch. Logic dude. 

Pass on it. There is no point. Eventually there will be a box set with it.

Pass on it. There is no point. Eventually there will be a box set with it.

I love a good nested joke.

I just went from not giving a damn, to a day one buyer. I loved the first two.