Sean Alan

Also Dennis in Independence Day and Randy in the GI Joe movie.

Also switch their musical careers too.
Donnie Don and the Funky Bunch!

I think her name's Girl Fieri!

Watchmen Babies?

- Craig Kilborn

I blame Dad Academy for my love of Blisteritos!

Does anything from the Fine Bros get included too because that crap is awful!

And I call it "Maple Jizz"

Did they move Cross-Armed Opposites?

Also needed 5 people, two of them being Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion.

"For a little guy he sure has a big bladder."

It's the Grapest!

Some penicillin should clear that up.

2 Now 2 See

*Cues laugh track*

2 Fast 2 Fir-rious?

Wait, i thought he was that wrestler from the 90's.

Then maybe he should stay out of the Dean's closet.