Sean Alan

*Farts then turns up the radio to cover up the smell*

Man, I just got over the death of Jericho and you go and bring it up again!

Does somebody go out into the park and pull up the dinosaurs' skirts?

Does smashing the jar on the ground count as opening it?

So remake the Lost pilot?

Kardashian Komedy Klassic


I call Batman Minus Batman as my bands new name!

This is why we can't have nice things!

Grocery list?

Speaking of Big Daddy, whatever happened to that Jon Stewart fellow?

Except booze. All booze is good!

The AV Club
I think it’s mediocre. Most of you are kind of inexperienced and lame.

I know who the fuck does he think he is, McConaughey?

Stan-Vac vacuum cleaners they really suck!

Is Malcolm the new Kenny McCormick?

I went back and looked and i was wrong it says Queen Inc. so it could be a new company altogether also the article about The Flash going missing was written by someone else. It could be because the writing team weren't this far in the writing or maybe it because of the new time line. I put a screenshot from the

Crunchyroll has most if not all of them.

The show already won a People's Choice for best new drama.

Verily, and that past nastification is what made Eobard his own grandfather!