Sean Alan

Billy Bush? At least that's what Billy says.

And that's what it looks like to see two Canadians in a fight!

Original or remake?

The waxing, think of all that waxing!

"Cell phones can't go through walls, stupid. It's not a ghost!"

All thanks to the fiber.

90% of his presidency will be running!

Hell yes, sign me up for a Zatanna show.

I thought Batman was emo, you know with the whole dead parents thing.

Adam Hornstock on Psych.

He's an honorary member of The Hot Cops!

So it's Jason Todd?

You mean Kylie Minogue, right?

"You never show a good movie in a bad movie" - Rifftrax Batman and Robin

"There's a lot of slow motion. The episodes were running up to eight minutes under. The only way to stretch them out was with slow motion, and we tried to keep the slow motion away from the dialogue as much as possible. Anything without dialogue was considered for slow motion." - Dean Learner

WOT was in the pool!

Hannibal is porn for cinematographers.

Court of Owls was good so was Death Of The Family.

I knew it its Leonardo DiCaprio in the mask. Maybe now he can not win an Emmy to go along with that not winning an Oscar.