
That point actually makes Nacho's plans better, as just the one pill as a placebo means Hector would have time to take another. But if they are all bad, then he's not going to have time to get another bottle. He might notice the different taste, but by then it's probably too late.

The survivors have all be meeting in Tucson for the last year. There are probably more of them there than in our group.

One thing that I enjoy about Brooklyn 99 is they let Samberg be an
annoying idiot, but just before the point when you are going to yell
"STOP!", they move on. Tandy blows past that point every single time.
LMOE could take some notes.

No, he mentioned Cinnabon in Omaha AFTER he saw the license, when he was in the holding room with Walt in the basement.

I hope it's the latter because I can't imagine any legit Bar saying that you have to change your name as a condition of keeping your license, even if that's what Chuck wants. It's just utterly ridiculous to think it would in any way mitigate his transgressions (and meaningless to the bar) and the only reason we are

See above, Vacuum Cleaner Guy chose Nebraska, not Saul.

Saul didn't choose Nebraska. In BB "Granite State", he says to Vacuum Cleaner Guy "Nebraska? What's in Nebraska?" when he sees the Fake ID.
I think that he might run into Kim there, but his relocation there was not a choice.

Two Macarena mentions in the same episode…

Which wouldn't be the IRS…

Interesting that Boy Krazy Tina has new standards. She used to just like the idea of kissing as many boys as possible ("Quickie Kissit" Island) to now having a bridge-to-far even for her. Poor Henry. (Not really).

To be fair, Sasha did execute a plan where they both don't die.

I guess my biggest issue is do they want to kill Negan or do they want to get rid of the Saviors completely? Because if they just wanted to kill Negan, all this talk about it being so hard is stupid. Dumb luck is the only thing that saved him twice (Carl and Rosita's shooting), and now three times. ("Let's hide out

Then why is there a show on after it just as long that tries to dissect
every motivation of the characters as if it's Shakespeare? Stupid shows aren't supposed to be pored over. We didn't elevate this to something other than a "stupid zombie show", AMC did.

Well Chantal would have been returned if she told the parents/police exactly where she was. You are going to sell $250K worth of info for $5K in the hopes that the people you are selling to won't go for the $250K right away? That's the only reason Keith cares anyway!

I enjoyed the ride, but I am having trouble with the fact that Agnes extorted them for $5K, when there was a legitimate reward for $250K out there for the taking. At least out there enough that Keith thought he was going to get it. I understand the storytelling, but Agnes not getting the reward and Keith thinking he

The reason I can't buy the "Negan is the worst!!1!!" logic is they DID kill a ton of his guys, and he wanted to exact revenge. Let's look at the other villians who wanted to brutally kill everyone. Termites. One beat away from slitting all of their throats to eat them. They get away, no big deal. Governor.

Classic Nick struggles with the infected and crashes down to another level so 2 more innocent people can die. But at least he's okay, right! wink wink

Fair enough, but Cisco came onto their radar and they immediately were looking for him and Dom was doing everything to nab him right now. Would they put Elliot so high on their board and say "Okay we know where he should be after leaving prison, but let's wait a while before we check him out," especially if they are

Still makes more sense than the FBI not using him to get Tyrell!

Wow the more I think about all of the things I've posted about the FBI's stupidity for not just tailing Elliot when he left prison (then they'd have Tyrell), I'm really starting to think the only thing that makes sense is he was dreaming the Tyrell stuff, in some kind of lucid dream/Inception junk. It does make sense