
Too bad they didn't just put a tail on Elliot, the #2 Terrorist in the country, because they would have gotten Tyrell already. But letting him go unfettered and continue his plan to blow up a large building is a strategy too, I guess.
(That's why I'm actually hoping that Tyrell and Elliot aren't really meeting in

Yeah, to me it wasn't even a close analysis. You have a "terrorist" in prison (albeit for other reasons, but he's been fingerprinted and catalogged, he's not hiding), you let him out unsupervised and hope he doesn't rejoin the supposed ringleader and, oh I don't know, blow up a building and kill people? Dom and her

See this is where I have either a problem or we are not seeing everything. I'm okay with what you just said, I guess, that they just let him go out of prison even though he's basically #2 on the Crime of the Century. As if we'd just let Bin Laden's deputy out of prison. But okay, fine, long game. BUT WHY AREN'T

Not legally. On cable it's all self-censorship. HBO plays movies with explicit profanity at 10am.
I do find it funny that TBS has no problem re-running the profanity in American Dad when they re-air it in the Mornings and Early Afternoons. But if they show a movie at that time, they edit the same words out.

I still don't see how the board confirmed anything to her: The US
Government already thinks it's Tyrell. Dom thinks it expands to other
people on the board, and Darlene knows that it DOES. So because they drew a line between her brother (who they think has something to do with it) and Tyrell (who they think has

Yes, agreed. And they had him in custody and in prison and let him get away, supposedly for the long game. Ehh….

I thought Arizona or something, because they mentioned little rain. That's not Florida. Probably just Cali, no Fry's in Florida:…

Yes, but President Obama already said he's the mastermind, so I also don't know why that's such a revelation.

Also the line where Mr. Robot says "Something's not right, I feel off, it's like we're overheating…" and Elliot says "We'll be fine." makes a lot more sense!

Maybe something about Uranium in Africa, lots of it, and WRs plans for Washington Twp.

I thought the most unbelievable part was she freely walked into the home and followed them into the room. If someone just kidnapped you, wouldn't respond to anything you say, and stopped their van in suburbia, you are going to walk with them into an unknown house rather than take off to the house next door/down the

A Nuclear Plant in Bergen with two big Cooling Towers seems silly. It's so densely populated there's barely enough open space. Plus you need to be near a lot of water, and putting it right on the Hudson would likely never have happened. But I guess we have to suspend reality.

There are 5 Washington Townships in NJ (used to be 6), which is probably why it was chosen, a la "Springfield" in the Simpsons. It's intentionally vague. Because if we are trying to glean anything from roadsigns, it's made up anyway because there's no Interstate or US Highways named after the sign shown, etc.

Thing is, if they really wanted her for whatever they were going to do at the end of the hallway, there's little reason to believe they would just say "Oh darn, she was about to walk in voluntarily but she didn't, we have to let her walk away now." If they wanted her, they would have gotten her, no?

Apparently she left the show for something else. The best evidence it was probably her choice and not a "cancellation" is they are retaining almost all of her staff to work with the new show that will be in that slot. That's pretty unheard of for a "cancellation".

It was also very sporting of them to bark for a while from 10 feet away so he could wake up before they attacked.

So Deanna is now shocked that Rick might be a problem, when she had no qualms with them tying up and beating her friendly scout bloody in their very first encounter when he offered nothing but peace? She's a typical moron Congressman.

The whole hospital situation was ridiculously unbelievable. It was never clear how many people were there, but here we have officers who have no problem giving away their scarce food to an old man, but only if he TAILORS THEIR CLOTHING CORRECTLY, or else he gets beat? If they were that brutal, they wouldn't feed