
oh boy..

as a single man, i get the question more about marriage so much and like women and the kids question; nope.. not for me. they seem to think that since they got married and everyone of their kids got married that i must want to get married.. nope.. i prefer having a flexible lifestyle, extra cash on hand, time for my

this! :)

very good times! and yes about graphics and of course sound was better on snes too.

don’t forget the SNES version of mortal kombat.. no blood version.. however Mortal Kombat II reversed that completely with all of the gore and blood; yea MK didn’t sell very well on SNES vs the true to the arcade bloody Genesis/MD versions. :)


my car is just perfect for my single, geek city life.. sure, most on here hate her design but damn it.. i love her so much.. so much fun to drive and pretty rare sight to see another on the road..

omg! UT2004?? loved that game and yes.. so much yes..

in the same boat as you.. i’m about 30 hours into the game but only about 1 hours into the story and OMG!! effing annoying how some awesome weapons i’ve gotten always end up breaking.. yea, very annoying.. i now save a few in my home that are higher level. perhaps i just need to advance the story line some more...

You’re just insulting people and a game you don’t like but trying to be coy about it when people call you out on it. Do you know what the word objective means? obviously not. I like the game and have always liked it.

dang it.. shouldn’t have left the center of the first galaxy.. i’m at the center of the 2nd galaxy and have been trying to land on every system that hasn’t been discovered yet but no mapping.. if only i could go back..

however, i’m the seamonkey420 and am on my Gaia 3.0 at the moment about 750lighyears from the center

nicely played. yea, he/she was a total idiot and tried to sound smarter than they were and in turn looked like a complete idiot. that was worth the comment reading. :)

you back tracked on your comments and kinnnnburn called you out on it in detail. deal with it.

haven’t read comments but as a MINI Cooper owner that uses hack tools on his car to make his car do things the factory says ‘it cannot or isn’t allowed’. oh hell yea they can do this. i can literally brick my car if i make bad settings in my NCSExpert app and OBDII cable on my R58. Yea, i literally nearly bricked my

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??? FRIEND FUCKING CODES STILL??? confirmed my previous thoughts on their online; it will suck so hard.

OMG!! YES!! i love these type of future drawing/sketches..

i saw one a the week after blackfriday and got it w/target’s 15% off deal and am digging it. i plan to upgrade to 4K later this year and now have a ps4 in the bedroom too. however since then i have not seen one in store either.

yea.. not the best lineup.. i just wish nintendo would use some of said onhand billions in cash to fund a major development storm of popular ips at once. they can get away with launching two to three major titles at the same time and still yield good sales; especially over the long term since they rarely discount