“people are getting hurt through questionable choices involving fuel hoarding”
“people are getting hurt through questionable choices involving fuel hoarding”
That is a remarkably stupid idea.
Can we all agree that the DualSense is the real next gen thing about this whole generation. Holy hell that thing is incredible.
No Man’s Sky has an incredible community and Hello Games has done an amazing job making up for their broken promises and underwhelming release.
Thank you haha.
I was upset my $23,000 Civic had manual seats back in 2017... Manual seats, only 4 speakers, and other de-contenting make this DOA in my mind. Maybe some tuners will look to it, but if you can afford a $43,000 sports car, you can probably afford a $51,000 sports car that offers a lot more bang for your dollar.
That is a nice TV stand. Where did you get it and can you send me the link?
Your thoughtful and informative take has no business being so far down in the comments.
As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny. We all look shiny, we just have…
biggest pro for me is that in a single hour video they showed least 3 different kinds of genre games that is console exclusive. That justify console’s worth. Whats the point of buying ANY console on day one if there’s no variety or nothing worth playing. The question then becomes said games are available on launch day.
God, I fucking hate it when articles try to push videos. If I wanted to be a slave to video, I’d be on YouTube instead of here.
Agree with the others. Please don't start exclusively doing videos. We all enjoy reading over here
Thanks for the video that I’m not going to watch for something that could just as easily be text I could read at my own pace.
I bet clean RSX Type-Ss will be worth a lot in five years. EP3, I don’t know. I didn’t like the look when they were new and I still don’t get excited about them.
That pivot box is cool, though I wonder how it would handle 50 lbs of recovery gear and a rough road.
I watched the whole release video.