
two-factor.. that is all.

smart wool base layers = the best way to survive winter in the midwest. LOVE THEM!!!

this! :) MNer here. 9 degrees above zero? heat wave! hehe

Now playing

my base in normal mode.. tons of grind to get here.. ;)

creative mode is key for making your dream base. :) i’m trying to make a proper base in my normal game mode but i’m still hopping around star systems getting my specialists their materials, learning the new tech

as a korean.. i’d say it’s more advanced pattern recognition and time to recognize and react. :)

that’s assuming we don’t also supplement grid energy w/green energy which we will and which makes the Powerwall battery such an important piece to the home market.

homes will be running a smart grid, hybrid solution when all of this happens and will start to in the next few years... grid independency is the best part of the future world.. combine solar and wind power and a very effiecient battery to store it and you have a game changer.. world changer..

car industry isn’t has

i know.. i guess i’m off to the hackintosh world again.. ;)

i know.. i guess i’m off to the hackintosh world again.. ;)

so.tempted. nope.. don’t need it... still waiting for a new mac mini that lets me upgrade memory and do two ssd/hdds. my 2012 i7 still holds it own w/the latest 2TB upgrades.. but that screen..

so.tempted. nope.. don’t need it... still waiting for a new mac mini that lets me upgrade memory and do two

KARMA says hi and how are you doing?

did that on sunday night.. started at 9pm.. realized the sun was coming up and it was 5am and i had to be at work at 8am. ;)

Now playing

i’m in the same boat as you. i drive my little mini cooper around at night to just think and explore. NMS has hit ALL of those check boxes for me..

beautiful landscapes, the scope of the universe being so huge, the feeling of being alone but not lonely, that amazing feeling of finding new species, planets, moons.. and

thank you for this well written piece.. i play NMS this way too.. i compare NMS to life in that what is the purpose of our mortal lives? when people ask me what i do in NMS, i live my 2nd life as a space trading explorer... again, thank you so much for this well written piece from a perspective i can fully relate to.

Now playing

count me in as broken, but i’m not too sad that i had to start again. i learned a lot from my first 26 hours and now know exactly how i want to play. keep moving at first! :) here’s me breaking my game as you can see i only have a warp drive that came w/ship and none of the other ships have a warp drive..

best way is to enable the ftp server in retropie and then copy shares to the actual retropie partition. :) it’s in settings

i do at work since i’m responsible for making images and testing app deployments. main thing i need it for is imaging and booting to lan/pxe; rdp can only get me so far. :)

same.. except i had the lowly 5.0 V8 with an auto and mine was just a Firebird.. but yea... 200hp on the heavy pony car was still enough power for me to get a ‘talking’ to a few times when i was 17yrs old. :)

agree! excellent advice!

i haven’t had to do any non-standard maintenance but am aware of a few issues the R56s have that mine will probably eventually have due to the turbo factor. then again i do baby the hell out of my baby. hehe.. ;)