
they get a bad rap due to the early 2000s models but honestly seem pretty solid since then. i have a 2013 R58 (the backwards baseball cap Coupe... aka unloved and hated by all on the internet but loved by all IRL) and have about 47K miles on her... $0 for repairs or out of pocket maintenance.. sure over $2K on

if this turns out to be false.. oh boy. .if i was Kotaku, i’d tighten up my web security since it seems like they will have one hell of a target on them..... nonetheless, the NMS subreddit has been very entertaining all day. ;)

thank you!!! :)

agreed. i imagine the hype of VR is what may have caused Nintendo to move release date to March (plus who knows if the PS4.5 and XBOX 1.5 may be out around the holidays..). I do admit i did like playing the Wii U w/my pals but the time between decent game releases was too dang long and i’m just needing something new..

all i can say is.. No Man’s Sky... ;) and VR..

i am in same boat as Orian too and i now speak w/my wallet.. sold my Wii U last year and don’t regret it for a single moment.. loved the mario games but i’m actually finally sick of mario as a franchise.. after 30 years of mario.. it does get old...

i fully agree on this rumor.. i’ve been calling the NX a portable w/a base that has ports for hdmi/usb/etc. however i’d like a real controller for once that shipped w/the system. so over the bullshit control schemes of the last 2 gens.

*cough.. twilight princess.. *wii... *history repeats? i’m leaving my expectations at the door for the NX and will just wait until it gets released to even think about it. the Wii U left me with a very bitter taste in my mouth and i’ve been a nintendo boy since the NES days...

loved the Viper since day one... so much power in that little frame that most had issues keeping it in check and thus the cliche nickname; the widow maker..

Just upgraded my Mac Mini w/a 2TB Samsung 850 EVO and DAMN SON!!

I did have a ssd and a hdd prior but now am running the 2TB alone and whoa.. so fast. anywho, still remember my first laptop and it’s rocking 500mb harddrive and over 3min boot time.. now i’m up and at my desktop in 25 secs. :) you go tech!

is it me or does the Aegis system’s concept translates directly to Skynet in my brain when one hears it? i believe that AI in it’s purest form is a non-threat but one derived on military based interests alarms me... i just hope that when AI comes about, the true versions overcome the human influenced ones...

not i.. i sold my Wii U and retired my Zelda 3DS XL for later selling and am over this gaming company stuck in japanese culture that forgets the other regions of the world exist and gaming cultures and competing services are so much better.. how about that online infrastructure? oh yea.. there really isn’t any..

all i need are 6 gears and have in my lil 2013 Cooper S Coupe.. i know, blasphemy for wanting an automatic but man.. i fully enjoy my manual mode and using my paddles.. plus, new autos are like manuals w/o clutches.. you can hold revs up to red and downshift, etc... so if you know how manual shifting works; you can

led down the road to where the civic si is now. but you are correct though the first generation of the 4 doors Si’s were pretty solid..

I still miss the F117 Nighthawk.. :( RIP my slow but super sexy stealther.. ;)

can we choose both? that’s what i do.. i work full time in IT at a law firm with very good benefits and then have a side computer tech company that’s mainly just to help me pay for my geek gadgets and upgrades.. ;)

and i get to help people and make money at the same time.. bonus!!

i could totally see this being an influence.. more clutter = more opportunity to snack since there are prob snacks in the clutter..

my kitchen is very cleaned up and minimalistic even though i always have some cookies from mom out in a jar but i’m the type that only eats when he is hungry and in turn have a pretty

yea.. that is why i own a 2013 MINI Cooper Coupe vs another Civic Si.. i had a 2006 Si and OMG loved it! it was honda and the si back in it’s true form.. LSD? yes! Navi and higher end Acura add-ons, yes please!

but... then.. they made the 4 door and then well.. the Si is about as high on my list of pocket rockets to

Now playing

yea.. i basically made sure to get my Platinum trophy in Fallout 4 on the PS4 by saving the Pranksters Return to be the last one i needed and well... i’m sick of saving those damn settlements!! ;)

because these are of quality and have two usbs and output at a higher amp and is legit.. love mine! then again.. i’m an Anker fanboy.. love their solar panel and the 25000mAh pack i got. ;)

because these are of quality and have two usbs and output at a higher amp and is legit.. love mine! then again.. i’m