
i disagree. yet the other systems are totally fine? i had two ps3s and all digital games could be played on both and downloaded. nintendos approach to modern online gaming and account management is still so backwards. i gave up on nintendo since the wii u. they have lost their way and lost my money.

not true! wii u games and 3ds tord to fucking hardware. i know. i sold my wii u and those games on it our now the new owners not mine.3ds is a but better but come on. its 2016 and Nintendo is finally getting its online and account management to 2006 levels.

holy crap.. do you ever proof your articles? how is this supposed to read?

I honestly love “The Diamond Age” by him the best.. and we are seeing the primer being realized in our tablets ;) sorry for going off topic..

.....please continue on with your regularly scheduled commenting...

THIS——^ the only reason most car guys say they have to have a manual transmission is because it’s ‘more engaging’ and i ‘feel more in tune w/the car’. in other words; it’s more about being in an elite club (being able to drive stick) than how the car actually drives at times.

OOOOHHH!! i love that blue paint and the crazy awesome tech updates. i was VERY VERY close to getting a 2013 Audi TT but realized that the price for all the goodies i wanted was just a bit over what i was looking to pay (i believe around the 50K mark).

HAHA!! i feel you on this one.. i was trying to place a damn floor in Hangmans Alley and the damn brahmins kept walking into the spot i wanted to put it.. i admit i tried to setup a few of my places but like others on the PS4 version; all my crap is on the floor once i return so what’s the point of those details if

easier way? just get a Playstation TV for under $70.. *edit, doh! yea that would require an hdmi in; but for a 2nd tv it seems the way to go imo.

see psp firmware hacking scene from last gen.. yup.. constant war between hackers and sony firmware dev team. hehe.. just like iOS and jailbreaking.. :)

“you do need to find a place to put the external.”

i believe Playstation VR is done it’s just they want to have more than just two or three games/experiences at launch ;) i’m hoping No Man’s Sky unknown release date is because it’s a launch Playstation VR title. :)

i recommend watching the movie “Existenz” the plot fits right into the future we are seeing and the potential issues photo realistic VR can cause ;) ie, which world is the real world?

OMG! yes!! i love my MINI Cooper S Coupe.. as i’ve said so many times on here.. ;) it’s the kind of car you can drive 80% of it’s power 80% of the time and you smile getting into everyday.

which all gamers knew.. can you say Wii 2.0 w/the same attachment rate? :)

said any one who really games... anyone remember the CD-I and the 3DO and Jaguar? seems like the last year or so has been a round 2 of everyone trying to make console.. we know how the first round went back in the 90s...

i agree. i own one and love how it’s just a boom mounted, and grab and go when i leave (unless plugged in to charge).

Great idea in theory but you do know that Chicago has a gun ban and well.. yea.. the criminals of course still have guns but the avg, law abiding citizen does not at all... yup.. crime is way down there.. /s

omg yes please to RDR2! i hope they make a deal w/hollywood to use RDR2 as a base game (like GTA 5) and then add expansions based on movies like... The “Tombstone” movie pack or “The Good, Bad and Ugly” add-on. :)

finally someone said it.. i’m one of those customers that will step in if i had seen the whole thing.. sure, i’m a 5’3 little smiley happy asian..

like others.. yea.. NO.. battle mode sucks that’s all there is to it. N64 mariokart battlemode was so damn much fun w/four players but this.. pure shit.. no.. puree shit..