
I gave up on Nintendo and it’s back library and VC.. so annoyed.. NES games should be $1, SNES $3, N64 $5, Gamecube: $10. Sony sells all of their PSone classics under $9.99 and most are in the $5 range.

The lack of games in the VC library is seriously a horrible financial decision of Nintendo. I’ve been hoping for the

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I had the pleasure to drive a 2015 JCW at Indy this last July and OMG.. so much fun and man.. that 2015 JCW is a blast to drive... :)

posted on your post when i meant to post on mine.. trying to be polite. ;)

also form has the date of 2014 in it and has not been updated w/2015.. FYI!!!

wrong post, my bad!

submitting my 12min MINI Cooper Coupe fanboy video.. is it ok that it’s just over 10mins? :)

bad info on my side...

you have no idea what you’re talking about in regards to PS3/PS4.. TOTALLY DIFFERENT ARCHITECTURES!!! so yea.. get a clue dude...

amen.. yea. its nice for those first months of the new systems but once you get a taste of the current gen’s capabilities and graphics.. it just hurts to go back a generation. i admit in that i usually am a big advocate for this but... when i had my PS3 w/PS1 and PS2 BC.. I only played Ace Combat from the PS2 on it..

dear lord... i so want my lil MINI Coupe to shot fire on it’s burple pops.. that would be so.. glorious!!!

color match FTW!!!

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now listen to a MINI with aftermarket exhaust. and make it a coupe.. ohh.. those burple pops and BANGS!!.. Bonnie can get mouthie once she’s hot.. ;) also.. MN winters are like CAI for any car..

actually. i’d say for the BRAKES ALONE!! went on a ride Charlie at my local MINI shop while waiting to get my R58 (aka MINI Cooper S Coupe) alignment done and must say... sounds amazing but DAMN!!! stopping from 100mph to 0 in like 40ft..? yea... no squeels or lock ups just fast to silent stop... seriously impressed!


yup! same here.. minus my OT for the trial work i do but still... pretty accurate! :)

well.. what do you suggest then? all this bitching but no answers on what you would do.. plus, do you guys even fly on a monthly basis? millennials.. complaining about everything but offering ZERO solutions...

you are not doing the internet right then... or maybe doing it really good.. hehe..

you guys are complaining about this because...? the IRL one’s are way better?? seriously.. if i have to listen to one, at least this type of one is a bit more fun and way less awkward..

ahh.. MN.. we have 10,000+ lakes, fresh water and no more emissions tests.. sure the winters kind of suck but man... we can drive whatever we want as long as it’s registered. :) and tons of water..

gorgeous looking place!! i got lucky and was able to buy up my dream man cave when the condo market hit rock bottom. :) more a geek modern contempt theme for me.. for me a house was out of the question, i don’t do outside work or want to shovel snow..

so i’m guessing no retro-active cross buy options for us that bought either on Vita or PS3 the X and X-2 remakes to get the PS4 version free? :) one can hope...