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fellow Coupe owner here.. everyone can hate all they want but i love my coupe. so much fun to drive.. and now she sounds a bit more growly..

so true so true.. i had the same experience as a kid and now as an adult.. it has def made my modding/fixing skills that much better. plus it drives curiosity and logic imo.

totally agree on this quote. as a kid, i took apart nearly every radio or electronics i had (mind you, we didn't have tablets, phones, computers, laptops or the likes) and def believe it has contributed to my current, adult modding/making skills.

tried all of these but really just wish Google would just let us do an iGoogle type thing w/the new tab page. that was my new tab link.. also missing google reader too.. RIP reader.. you were and still are my fave RSS reader :(

you had me 100" :) my next upgrade will be a 100" 4K once they come down under the $5K mark

just my ikea based setup. rocking a little PS3, Wii U, Mybook NAS for my 500+ movie in m4v format and of course a sony 7.1 receiver, 55" LG 3DHDTV and crap tons of games/movies :)

Now playing

i personally love using BetterTouchTool w/my Leap controller :)

my conclusion from all of this.. both of these guys are douches and thats all there is to it. end of story.

Yes!! the 32x!!! hahah!! nicely played!

late to this thread but i'd love to see a review of the 2013 Mini Cooper S Coupe or JCW versions. every car site seems to hate on the backwards hat look but man.. FUN TO DRIVE! and plus, they are a rare sight to see on the road too so you def get looks all over and people gawking.. ;)

i love how these changes are coming just months away from launch. should be interesting to see how they can get this all in before then.. at least us PS fanboys didn't have to defend a product that basically said SCREW YOU to ownership and value initially. ;) (the PS3, well.. whole diff story!)

well look at that! there are now two #PS4 models. one at $399 w/GDDR5 memory and one at $499 w/DDR3 memory and an awesome webcam.. ;)

its all good buddy. :) sorry if i sounded harsh...

wtf are you on or talking about? and you obviously didn't RTFA. the Knack devs used a giant PS4 controller to get an idea on how a kid would use the controller and also realized they would have issues using any of the shoulder triggers and in turn they designed the GAME controls around that testing.

BTW, Google WILL NOT kill Voice and making up rumors they are is not cool. Come on, remember that Sprint was using GVoice as their voicemail provider for about 6 months? plus a lot of us GVoice powerusers have ported our own numbers into it. Plus, third party solutions are still a mess to try to deal with and

so has microsoft, i don't know, thought of implementing new features but only to those who OPT in? so stupid that they basically said either THIS way or THAT way; can't mix them. oh well

so... i'm guessing this will work in my Mini Cooper S Coupe and its mini connected? :) i'd guess so since they are both nearly identical systems. hmmm, i wish i could setup my own personal customized sport gauges in the Mini Connected software on my mini more than anything.

because they can still sell the PSP version to us Vita owners (digitally only though via psn) like other PSP games and they can get by w/just one version. Vita can play PSP games from the PSN that have been 'ported'.

but yea, weird why no 3ds or vita specific versions.

yea. no settings to change? no customizations? not quite up to par for me to use yet.

FYI. this is the case with ALL 2012-2013 mini cooper coupe's w/the auto transmission. :)