
about time!! hope this carries over into Madden 25 :)

why does the industry still think RARE is such a great studio when they haven't put out a single decent title since the N64 days.. or did i somehow miss a few amazing games since then? to me, when i see a RARE article i just think.. yup, a super shitty game from a company that used to be great but now is just meh....

i got my 3.5" disk drive around. who's gonna snail mail me a copy, i'll make a copy and send it back :)

i love and use iGoogle each day.. very sad that google is doing away w/it later this year. :( however, i would love if they brought that type of features to Chrome itself and let me setup my own launching page w/my google reader and gmail widgets along w/weather.

i have already done this.. i've rebranded as me.. why not? like you can really hide anyways if your on the net.. you can try but if you got a cell phone.. yea.. good luck..

god i loved that game!! needs a remake and top down view styled :)

i disagree. the prequel trio killed itself w/the jar jar binks crap and the fact that lucas just doesn't know whats best for this franchise. remember the dialog in the prequels? yea, pretty horrible at times...

i think the best way to convince him was show him the first scene w/Jar Jar Binks.. please save star wars!!!


i'm making myself a nice old spy like silver briefcase computer and gun case w/my pi. just waiting on my lcd and foam. :)

I've been using a Zyxel NSA310 w/a 3TB drive and love it for what i need. i just needed a NAS that did DLNA streaming for my 500+ m4v movies. Cloud features are meh but i mainly wanted the ability to have a central streaming solution at home that worked w/Android, PS3 and my smart HDTV. :)

i'd agree with you on the Note II. i love that beast and love how it allowed me to take one gadget out of my bag; the tablet. :)

i used to be a computer hoarder, but now only keep what i use and then sell the extras i end up with and fix to family/friends for cheap. i call it geek karma. :)

VOTE: Nexus 7

wow.. australia amazes me at times.. heck, you still can't even buy a mature video game in that country due to not having the proper rating. i hope the appeal goes Google's way. :)

wow, talk about total troll bait writing these days. and no, this won't make our phones better especially when iOS is now the following vs the leader in the market. My Note2 is NOTHING like the iPhone yes, apple added it to the list of devices it wants to include...

I loved the idea behind GoogleTV but hated the execution or lack of. First off, Google Currents should have been made available for GoogleTV before phones; its a great way to show news tidbits on a big screen. THERE ARE NO APPS, seriously maybe 10 worth getting but even then they are still not very good. I feel

Got me a Wii Remote Plus w/crappy FlingSmash game: $22. Normal Wii Remote Plus: $50 :) score! needed some new ones for my Wii U

my ATT Elevate MiFi... having internet nearly anywhere w/o having to pay or wonder if its legit is a godsend for me..