
i discovered the TMNT from Eastman and Laird's comic book. the first movie wasn't bad, it appealed to kids, but i found it enjoyable (except corey haim as the voice of donatello, who is my favorite turtle) the cartoon was fun as well. considering that there has been several reboots; movies and cartoons, it was bound

in regards to Highlander "There SHOULD only be one" the first movie :)

i know what you mean. i'm tempted to respond in a silly manner to call them out, but i refrain and laugh quietly to myself

did they study the women in my saturday yoga class for this? for an hour and a half it's like i'm doing downard dog and warrior 2 during a skinemax movie

the little kid in me enjoyed the batmobiles racing while the adult in me enjoyed the redhead hotty washing them :D

based off that clip, i want to resubscribe to cable tv

so, flies are imitating me now?

those are perfect those people who like to live a minimalist life. wonder if there is room for a kitchen and bath?

that's what she said

my reply is "answering that question" :) seriously though, it's my inability to say no when others need my help and i take on too much work sometimes.

ever make the Kessel run... on weed?

seeing all these pics gives me hope that i will one day find my geek girl goddess

we dont have to wait for the pulse. a viral outbreak will be the end of us ;)

they were so busy asking if they can, they forgot to stop and ask if they should

i'm hoping that batman 3 is as good as batman 2.

i guess the rumor about big feet is true...

you beat me to it

when i'm at work and processing purchase orders, i tend to drift off into several different worlds of my imagination. i get home and i dont want to write one of them down :(

you could spend large sums of cash money and buy bricks and build your own BSG ;)