i had the idea of being stuck 3 seconds behind everyone else...
i had the idea of being stuck 3 seconds behind everyone else...
my wifi is about 10 ft away from my computer, true i can have issues if i have a lot of streaming going on, but its rare
i like it. if i still ran D&D games, i would put them in a game
nathon fillion for the flash gordon remake
this just in; Lucas has modified the footage from the picnic changing the winner to a 10 yr old named Matthew.
if you made this, pure awesome! if not, awesome for finding and posting. flash gordon, a classic 80's movie :D
cause when you're on the run from the govt you want wild noticeable hair...
good idea for the forthcoming apocalypse
i was going to try this, but 300 degrees for an hour?! i've got a gas stove and pay for it. a candle is cheaper
i read that in fry's voice :D
another tip is to go food shopping once a week. i recently bought the removable white boards from thinkgeek.com and put the lined one on my fridge to write down groceries. i also use my ipod touch's notepad for that. before i go food shopping i "sync" the lists.
that spiderman has a bit of a gut...
for the avocado tip, one word. spooon!
when i was kid, i had to tie water balloons in 2 feet of snow, uphill!
i really have to say it? pics or it didnt happen
i saw this on funnyordie first. i voted for die
f that! i want my brain in a robot body with chainsaw hands! BZZZZzzzz!
i bought a six pack of trader jose dark beer 2 weeks ago and i still have 3 beers in the fridge. this article seems to be for the dependents or the just turned 21 groups.