@syafiqjabar of Mars: i've only watched season 1 and i'm in love with her
@syafiqjabar of Mars: i've only watched season 1 and i'm in love with her
"Remember how the series was maybe going to get a couple TV movies to wrap up the remaining plot threads or something? Yeah... apparently not." i have feeling there's a BUT in there and that heroes will get another season :(
@DRaGZ: beep beep DRaGZ
"Only one question remains, who will Seth Rogen play?" Capt Carl
i have no background on black holes but, they're treating it like a tornado. from what i remember from disney's black hole, light doesnt escape, but that black hole moving slowly down the street destroying what ever is in it's path and nothing else?! come on!
this made my gorram morning alot ruttin' better
do we really need a bioshock movie?
sorry, karen is looking so damn cute in the pic, i didnt read the article
i'm bad ash and you're good ash. goody little two shoes
@8x10: you beat me to it
@Jay042: thanks... NERD!
@AgentCoop: can we add miracle laurie to the mix?
@Pope John Peeps II: beauty is in the eye of the beholder
@Scaramanga9: Thank god I'm not the only who knew who otho was.
@harlemite: it's the dreamscape of this decade [www.imdb.com]
is that otho in the true blood pic?
what you're forgetting is that they're from a galaxy far far away and a long time ago...
instead of spending my money on a remake, i'll buy the original
mars needs milfs will be the subtext of that movie cause i'm sure they'll be sexy toons