
At first, her stomping around saying Jade had stolen her date seemed to be met with some sympathy from the other girls. Which makes zero sense because it seemed clear that the girl going on this date was to be picked from the girls who were not on the camping date. And Ashley I. was busy having her come to Jesus

last winter when it was polar vortex in Chicago (where I was born and raised) I was staying with my cousin's new baby down in TX and they shut down the entire city for 30 degree weather. No snow. No ice. Just "too cold". THIRTY. They were even telling people to go out and start their cars every thirty minutes so they

Thank you for articulating this so eloquently.

If anyone can offer a better explanation, please do. But this is what I know of the phenomenon:

Come to my thread! They're out in full force telling me how Netflix has much better offerings.

My feelings on Keeping Up with the Kardashians exactly. I stopped watching years ago. When does it get cancelled?? Where is my reward??

Is your chiropractor also an acupuncturist who says her unvaccinated spawn can be cured from any of the diseases vaccines prevent through the magic of herbs and well-placed needles? If not, there are at least two lunatic chiropractors spouting bullshit and endangering other people's kids. Wonderful.

OMG. The essential oils. Are they the new Pampered Chef/31/Mary Kay? Is there a pyramid scheme selling the essential oils because they are everywhere!

I think the creation of the "Can I steal him for a sec?" hierarchy is one of my favorite parts during the first few weeks when there are still waayy too many girls.

I nannied for an Ob/Gyn whose boss gave her four weeks of unpaid maternity leave and she had to use up every single vacation and personal day to get two additional weeks beyond the first four.

I should have added that sentiment because I agree 100%. It shows incredible strength to continue to be who you are in a place filled with so much hate.

There are always sob stories from contestants about parents leaving them at a young age or a family member's struggle with cancer but this seemed so wrong. She has a child with her late husband. There is more than enough blame to go around but she is still grieving significantly and clearly not in a place "to find

Aidy is everything. My friends and I were just talking about the girl on The Bachelor last week who pulled Chris aside during the pool party to give the long form version of her late husband's suicide. It happens totally unprompted just like this sketch. Girl needs some grief counseling. Going on The Bachelor is

Christian Oklahoman Anecdote!

GMA is often tone deaf to uncomfortable (read: real) issues. Look at how they covered Ferguson or Steubenville. It is almost painful to watch everyone squirm around in their chairs, waiting to move on to the next puff piece. I know they cut away to a special report but asking people who compete in ugly sweater

"Glamorous yurt" is everything.

Preach it! Reppin' short chubbies all over the world.

I had this exact conversation with my friends last week. Every time something that would be flattering and age appropriate pops out at me from the clothes section in Target, it's maternity. And the internal struggle of "is it bad to buy maternity clothes when not pregnant?" begins. Regular Target clothes for women are

See also: Chris is bad at picking out the lunatics.