Sea Bear

Cut yourself some slack. You're probably young, you have time to learn from your mistakes.

Desperate much?

Des it bother you in the least that Obama murdered the American Manned Space Program?

NASA has always been good for business and the economy.

We Did It All For The Wookie

Since I last posted in here I've ridden a motorcycle to South Carolina to buy a house, dodged a record snow storm, eaten at the world famous Billy Goat Tavern because I just happened to accidentally be there. (The Cheese Fry's Suck.) And helped my mother play hospice for my brother.

Sorry, I'm too busy to reply to people too stupid to read the rest of the thread today.

Are you on drugs?

My first computer was a teletype hooked to a mainframe over a 110 baud modem. That was some sweet stuff back then. I remember downloading the original Anarchist's Cookbook. That took HOURS!!!!!

Is that supposed to be a Predator Gatling Cannon propped up in an impossible position?

I don't know about y'all but launching that lifeboat in heavy seas would scare the hell out of me.


So, you live there and it was bad everywhere you weren't?

Actually, at the moment I'm writing a Christmas technology gift guide. But I'll take that under consideration.

Basically, yes. Remember when Obama insisted that they set up a trust fund to cover damages and the EPA shut down beaches that had nothing wrong with them over this? Obama wanted an excuse to block as much drilling as possible, so he milked this for all it was worth.

I know, I've lived and worked there.

Well, one of us is. Vote Early, vote often.

ok, based on the numbers involved, all the oil released, if confined to that 1,250 square miles and stuck together in one layer would amount to .012 gallons per square foot. Keep in mind, I'm talking about every drop of oil from the well and limiting it only to the area mentioned.

To Clarify, who is the conspiracy theorist?