When do they not presict an above average Atlantic Hurricane Season?
When do they not presict an above average Atlantic Hurricane Season?
Honestly, the only people that care arethe people making LED’s and a few people who want to find a way to judge others as worse than them. What they do not tell you is how they ignore environmental regulations to allow a lot of this stuff. Kinda like dead birds and wind farms and mercury and fluorescent bulbs.…
Okay, so what you are saying is that every 186 miles the semi will have to queue up to a charger that is likely being shut down to allow the infratructure handle the demand it is not designed to carry and that there are not enough strip mines in the world available to provide the materials to upgrade. it has to do…
This is moronic. There is no point in expanding on this as most people have already decided they hate me and they are morons, too.
OMG! you assholes don’t care about the Chinese torturing people to death while they destroy the environment like Captain Planet Villans, and we are supposed to care about some old asshole who wants to get attention by attacking someone that disagrees with the current realpolitik?
OMG! you assholes don’t care about the Chinese torturing people to death while they destroy the environment like…
Blue City... No surprise.
Wow... You people are seriously racist.
Remember when Obama said that was impossible? Oh yeah, then Hildabeast lost.
Thanks to Harry Reid we don’t need a supermajority, we just need 1 more than half. That’s gotta burn.
The Motherboard. You can upgrade everything else later. The Motherboard is there for the life of the computer. You do not have to have the latest, greatest of everything, but you want something stable, fast, flexible, and capable. Make sure everything you want it to do is somehing that it has. More USB ports are…
Looks Like a Holster.
Sorry, I've been in the process of moving cross country and getting my old network updated and simplified for my boss. The car wreck with the freaking deer didn't help, the deer is fine, my 300c, not so much.
Since I last posted in here I've ridden a motorcycle to South Carolina to buy a house, dodged a record snow storm, eaten at the world famous Billy Goat Tavern because I just happened to accidentally be there. (The Cheese Fry's Suck.) And helped my mother play hospice for my brother.
I don't know about y'all but launching that lifeboat in heavy seas would scare the hell out of me.
As I said earlier, I was having a Nic fit. I'd been having them periodically since I gave up smoking a year and a half before this incident. For those unfamiliar with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, let me list some of them.
I have come here to Chew Bubble Gum and Kick Ass.... And I can't get the game to load with the Chew Bubble Gum Mod.
Ok, sorry about the delay. I'm busy as heck at work. I've decided to tell my tale in episodic format, it's really too long to read all at once, and I'll try to get a new post on it out tomorrow.
I was gong to take the fifth, on this one, but I'm not sure if this qualifies as evil, and really, the Mounties, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the State department are all aware of what happened that night and have just told me never to do it again.