
Hey David I’m a 16 year old kid who loves reading your articles and I’m searching for a first car and I think I found the perfect one. What do you think of a 2000 XJ Limited with only 58k miles for 7 grand in my neighborhoodShould I scoop it up?

As long as it comes before my Elio I am okay

The rumble strips aren’t exactly gentle

Assetto Gara’s. I kinda wish I went with the 16's or maybe the Sparco Terra in the 16's but it is what it is.

“When you roll the power on, which I recommend doing somewhere safe”

Matchbox Men, about the rise of the toy car industry in the 1960s, and the wild times the toy execs had.

Curb Your N-thusiasm, a show in which real people chosen at random compete to see who can parallel park a Veloster N the best. Other driving skills as well.

Braking Badly, in which novices learn to drift.

I Love Lucid,

But all co-drivers are muppets.

I do. But in the opposite way.

Alanis, this is good reporting.

Can Nissan Kill the rest of their lineup next? 

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!


I don’t know — just looked like a Dumbreck to me.

There are no four seat sports car. Also, good luck fitting a rear facing car seat with any of those.