
Journalism is dead. Long live blogging!

Came here to complain about this as well... Grumble!

Giving a prefered name of robots does not make them drones. Unmanned, autonomous flying vehicles have been called drones for 80 years. It is an apt name that is widely accepted and is not technically wrong in any manner. Naming an autonomous vehicle after a hive-mind controlled bee isn’t even wrong when talking about

Engineers are notoriously horrible at relating to and communicating with normal people.

“As a gamer who has no intention of ever moving into PC gaming”

Built on huge concrete pillars* What’s so treacherous about this exactly?

What the hell is a “heritage” garden hose?!

How is a dog harness for your GoPro something that you get to ask for for your wedding?

Surely I cannot be the only one who saw this and thought of Schoep:

Step 5: Pray that your battery doesn’t expand/swell days after the warranty ends (as exeplified by my wife’s Macbook Pro), since Apple’s customer service is expensive and terrible, and this renders your computer virtually unusable.

Not fun. But failure is how you learn. Keep in mind that each test uses a one-of-its kind prototype. The engineers are trying to do something that’s not been done before. While we assume that everything should go perfectly, life is not that way. To an engineer, discovering what went wrong is what matters, so that when

As a native of San Francisco even I think this is some hipster ass shit.

The Apple Music Connect thing sounds like more of a MySpace killer to me, except, you know, lol.

bullshit. I was cut off twice in half a block by 1 guy in a Yukon texting. I eyes him at a light and gave him the “hang up” hand signal. He looked at me like I wanted to start something (because I can only assume he was some super thug) so I told him to roll down his window and said “you nearly put me into the curb

You need a comparison? that’s pretty sick. It’s not about us vs. them. You’re way off here. reckless? I would bet anything you have a cop in the family.

Maybe (there are two sides of "the story") however, one thing is for certain .... law enforcement officers go into their professions knowing the inherent dangers (and are supplied with the tools to aid them in said profession).

I am confused by this post. How is this different?

He sounds like an objectivist. I swear, Ayn Rand has done more to make the world worse with her crappy books, than just about any writer in history.

So every man for himself right? where would you be without the support of your family or even the government? some people really need to get their priorities right its no wonder the world is full of selfish assholes, the human race isn’t getting anywhere if everyone thinks like that.