Cuz Scooby keeps peeing on the seat! Bad dog!
Cuz Scooby keeps peeing on the seat! Bad dog!
Wow-the shit really works. It doesn’t even look like a tennis ball.
Driving till I saw him start to flip—running as soon as I got the car to stop. The truck rolled more in slow motion than the vid. I had more time to see it coming. We ended up about 150 ft apart.
I actually had that happen to me. Really. Luckily I was back farther than this guy. I saw the truck coming-going too fast for the turn. I saw it wasn’t going to make the turn- i was already on the brakes hard. The truck was still sliding when I was running towards it-The windshield ended up sliding under my feet as i…
fauxed up.
The way his shoulder harnesses were mounted would be illegal in ANY race series. And now you see why.
Woo-hoo! Free Tang!
The trick I’ve heard of folks getting around the “no unregistered vehicles” rules—put the car on a trailer.
Yea-but they started in kindergarden-so they got 12 years of racing under their belts.
As someone who has done this (NOT on purpose) its not very comfortable.
I got a spot right in the inner loop! (To replace my boot spot) If you need a roof to shoot from stop by. A maroon short bus-site 23.
The fellas name is Roger Barr. He was a local racer/race shop owner of fame in Glastonbury Ct. back in the 60’s. I still have memories of his shop from back when i was about 7 years old-when my father would bring his Morgan/Mini/NSU to him for service. All the cars in his parking lot were the odd ball stuff of the day…
The scene in my mind-the driver finds him self at the pearly gates....
And I hope the jobs in Connecticut.
Hehe-he said pull the heads + fix the carb.
I’ve been going to races since I was 2 weeks old,50’s now) seen many kinds of racing all over the world. Most races you can kinda figure out what it will be like. EXCEPT NHRA pro drag racing. The is no way to describe it adequately. You can feel and hear it miles away. No big screen-no surround sound can capture it.
Watkins Glen! I’ll be there this weekend!
even better-ice cube trays. Look for ones with 16 holes for 4 cylinders. And muffin tins for the larger parts.
Elvis On Other Planets Weight Chart
I regret I have but one star to give.