As a Kentucky native and UK alum, this is accurate. Only a couple weeks til basketball season...
As a Kentucky native and UK alum, this is accurate. Only a couple weeks til basketball season...
So when a workplace regularly schedules late-afternoon or early-morning meetings (or required overtime) it affects the entire family's budget and balance. Child-free workers also have a life, and a reasonable workday benefits them, too.
I was just thinking this. That people who chose to remain childless kind of get a raw deal in this. What would happen if they wanted to take a 2 month paid leave of absence to go <insert life altering event that they want to do here>? People would shit bricks and make you take your entire vacation that's what.
I think the main difference with the 'maze-like' thing was the first time I was running through the game it didn't feel like a maze. It felt like I was exploring and just happened to stumble into the right place. Did I go the right way? Maybe, oh wait I'm outside now, guess there's no turning back.
Down with the Santa truthers!
Lol'd while reading the comment for this very reason.
I have just informed my girlfriend I am leaving her because "Taylor Swift would let me have kitties and Diet Coke!" And not only that but she can magically make said cats appear. I'm hooked.
You have no idea how many times I got 'Mayo Scoop!' yelled at me because it was easier to use the spatula(the baking kind yep that's how you spread mayo) straight out of the mayo instead of the scoop.
Funny you bring up mayo smearing technique because it exists and corporate store audits will dock you points if your worker's don't do it right. Bonus tidbit: It involves a combination melon baller/ice cream scoop apparatus!
I can tell you all of the secrets as of 2011. For your first question, there are no pickles on the #3, only pickles involved in the store are the whole dill kind that get shipped in 5 gallon buckets quantities.
Used to work at a JJ's in Kentucky. Must be a new development because I don't remember having to do this. Also any clue if it just applies to corporate stores or their quasi-franchised shops as well? Of course, they did treat us like crap back in the day too, but this might be a new development in a long line of…
I agree that in all likelihood most of these people are, in fact, harmless. But there are the ones out there that can do damage, pretty much like the extremists of any group. So when you get down to the extremists of an already radical group, yeah, to me they're a little scary to think about. But that's just me.…
*all of your personal information* to correct the first sentence.
So you would be ok with all of your being published on the internet for these 'nerds' to do anything with? Complete disclosure of everything they can dig up? This isn't just about physical threats either. Frankly, and I hate to say this, but between gamergate, the fappening, the snappening, and the incorrect…
Well, I mean, when they're shooting out death threats to writers maybe they should be. Will it take a beheading of some dev or writer for everyone to actually treat it like 'actual' terrorism? Or do you nip it in the bud?
Millenials plan obsessively for the future because we've been taught to by previous generations since birth. Thanks for the neuroses guys!
Also, since most cases involve a police officer in some form or fashion, just drop that you inherently don't trust cops, the prosecutor will send you right the hell out. Got me out of a DUI case last spring in a heartbeat. And come on, after all the stories on cops lately who can trust them, so I wasn't being…
This gives me a weird headache/the willies combination. I need an adult...
I hear you man. I think the problem is that the game is too centrist for a lot of people. Not enough MMO for some not enough shooter for others. I, however, find it fine. Yes I have the attention span to have a supplemental story. Dear god has anyone even tried reading the GoT books? It takes forever to get any lore…
Just been playing around with defender subclass in PvP and it's actually more effective than you think. Pop a ward of dawn and people just throw themselves at you, insert shotgun/melee while you have a megashield/get another shield from melee kill. It was adorable