
Pretty much this. There are certain repeated patterns of arrows that will appear in all songs across the game. After a while you get the muscle memory of how to do that pattern. I played stepmania for a while and got pretty solid at it and there is not a single song that I had fully memorized. Certain parts probably,

Where the hell is Burneko? Is Foodspin dead?

The drought would be less of problem if we would cut down some almond trees and stop making all these ‘happy cows’.

Go to hell with your raisin bread, Bill Belichick.

Pretty much this. You can look at any game of league and analyze without assigning blame at all. A good way to do this is to look at your games in third person.

It's really pretty funny to watch at night. Or in a dust storm. That was my fatal flaw the first year I went: did not bring bandanas, bandanas are life.

You are correct, the IRS is on a skeleton crew right now.

Divorce her. Divorce her right the hell now, find a new apartment and for the love of God get the hell away from her. You're in an emotionally abusive relationship and the only way things are going to get better is if you dump her and get the FUCK OUT.

Queue picture of him drawing on the sidewalk with chalk.

Ditto that, I have a a half sleeve around my entire arm and that was the worst area. Closely followed by anything getting near my nipples and the connecting bit under your shoulder and between your arm and chest(that are was also just balls for healing).

Ladies(not sure how gay community feels about this) think penises are ugly whether or not they are circumcised. Which is why that argument is hilarious.

It should be noted that the piece by Slayerage is only referring to the final encounter. While he bad mouths warlocks for being OP he uses a hunter for the rest of the raid, because hunters are the other OP class.

Anyone hear any opinions from people who play match based 'repetitive' type game, like LoL or DOTA? I feel like they would be more adjusted to this playstyle and would have some interesting opinions.

You can actually switch Cortana's text to voice voice to male. Think it might only apply to certain apps though.

The difference is that radio is only one aspect of Spotify, whereas with Pandora radio is the only aspect. Spotify has personal playlists, full albums(discographies for that matter), meta-apps that I haven't even touched yet. Just a ton more to offer.

Yep, and $10 is what I would be spending on music anyway. Probably less to be completely honest. And I can listen to generally everything minus T-swizzle. But who cares about that, I just want to steal her cats.

Yeah ok, you tell yourself that.

Thank you for making me not feel alone about reading grimoire and actually understanding story. People who say this game doesn't have a story are insane.

I think you're looking for this: