This map makes me want google fiber.
This map makes me want google fiber.
I'm assuming by the other travesties performed that this steak was also well-done. A damn shame and a waste of good red meat.
If he gets a drop, would he have to remove the ball from the pocket himself? Same principle as getting a ball out of water, right?
On the contrary, inject the shit out of me and make me sterile!
Dreams do come true!
Unfortunately, at some point, there is just a line that you have to draw. It's a risk reward kind of thing. You know, that likely, certain foods will contain the kind of garlic that will kill you. Herbs/spices are difficult in general because most of the things that they're in are pre-made, and thus can't be changed.…
The problem is all in the semantics. Say crunchy lady orders 'cripsy' chicken ceasar salad. Gets said chicken. Then sends back said chicken because in her head it is 'crunchy' not 'crispy'. This then can cause a re-fire in the kitchen which slows down other orders from the kitchen blah blah etc. The difference between…
Stabbing people, beating my wife. Tomato tomato right?
I think part of the problem is people throwing the term 'allergic' around all willy nilly. As in using it in the corporate world, allergic just means 'I am opposed to this thing, because of issue <thing>, <thing>, and <thing>. However, the term shouldn't be thrown around so easily in food stuffs. Thus the woman who is…
If servers ignore your requests, they are simply doing their job poorly. I served/bartended/drove delivery/made sandwichs for many years and it is part of the job. The problem is that you also have to keep a keen on eye on the kitchen staff because no matter how big and bold you write something on a ticket, inevitably…
I'm all for the combining of different flavors to make new stuff(if you haven't tried mixing diet coke and dr. pepper you are missing out). It's trying to pass them off as an already existing soda that is perturbing to me.
The red and white mix sounds like people always trying to tell me to mix coke and sprite together to make ginger ale. Sure you have a brown-ish, clear-ish liquid but does it taste like ginger ale? No. Just no. Stop it. Please.
I think this is a pretty common problem actually. Seems like people think that because something is unpleasant to them, causes them discomfort, or because they don't like it, it means that you have an allergy. 'Fraid not people.
And yet r/realgirls is ok? Not that I support any of this but it seems hypocritical to ban something just because celebrities made a stink. Hundreds of girls photos get posted every week. I want to make a Joker meme about this but laziness overcomes.
I believe she meant to say: I do not want my tax money to pay for abortions(a watered down word for killing of the unborn).
If the server is worth their snuff, they have tried at least a third of the things on the menu, and have, likely, found something they enjoy. Also there are general trends of customers that are pretty noticeable. This is a pretty typical response I had for people when I worked as a server: "I personally love the…
This is just a bad server. You can tell a good server by the fact that they aren't visibly baby-sitting you but are attentive enough to be able to tell when you need something.
Smoke pot, out the whole year. Beat your wife, two games. Seems legit.
Also, Kefka does, in fact, succeed in destroying the world. I mean, how many other villains can claim that?