
Who the fuck wants to still be working at 87?!?  I’m 41 and ready to retire.  If I were a millionaire like her, I’d be chilling in my library reading all day and being tipsy by noon for my mid-day nap.

The Q-crowd should be pushed off that cliff..

Thousands of Japanese-Americans forcibly sent to internment camps beg to differ. As do American Indians forced to leave their homes because white people wanted more land. Or asylum seekers caged for fleeing violence at home, including little babies. Yeah, being asked to stay at home except for essential trips doesn’t

I work for a certain east coast university that had one of the most high-profile outbreaks following a pretty disastrous (and well-publicized) re-opening. I think here it was the frats that got shut down more quickly than the sororities, but both got hit.

There’s a big outbreak where Mrs. Ghost teaches as well. 

Since at least Reagan the economic core of the Republican Party has been just this: that the role of the government in the economy is only to protect accumulated wealth and the ability to use accumulated wealth to gain more more wealth.  That Democrats, for 40 years now, have failed to translate Republicans’

Pretty sure that Trump’s claim that he will spend his own money is just a plea for donations.

“It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?”

Are you fucking kidding me?

And my other boys are probably gonna look like nerdy white guys.”

Which is why they really shouldn’t put things like this on the ballot. It’s a human rights issue; we shouldn’t hold referendums on human rights. The legislature needs to do their job and pass a law to end it.

I was trying to figure out why this had so few comments before I realized it was only posted half an hour ago and during dinnertime.

Yikes, good morning to you too! Proud fan of appetizers/anything deep-fried here, and I fully support official apps for all states being a Thing.

Yeah I was confused by Ashley’s position, as it felt like a false choice. It’s very easy to believe Melania is disgusted by Trump for more basic reasons (like his appearance, the fact that he’s known to shit himself, etc. etc.) and is also a terrible person that doesn’t give a shit about racism and destroying the

That’s what I see in this clip too, but there are several others where she’s obviously swatting his hand away or keeping her fingers clenched against his attempts to hold her hand.

Imagine telling on yourself this hard by thinking a woman with a wet pussy has a medical condition.

404: Soul Not Found

I like to do that, but the only difference is that I smash up the entire bag of chips so I have more to work with. Once they’re smashed all the way down to crumbs, I like to take the bag and pour the crumbs into my mouth until my mouth is halfway full, then I take salsa or queso(if you’re feeling fancy) and pour in

If you want weird shapes you should lookup the gerrymandered congressional district version.

If your tortilla chips are real, made out of masa, you can drizzle a little water on them to dissolve them into mush (this is pretty much what makes chilaquiles a thing), form them into balls, and make new tortillas out of them which you can then fry to make new chips. Masa chips can actually be recycled into masa