
Shane was a dick to begin with, lest we forget his stupid rant about women in the pilot. Rick showing up to find his family should not have triggered Shane into being a rapey douchebag.

Meh, Kirkman is full of shit IMO. Yes I know it's his character, but Rick hasn't tried to rape anyone, hasn't used anyone as bait against their will that I can remember, etc etc. The only similarity is that Rick is becoming more hardcore about killing.

Rick shooting him in the head was to stop him being turned into a walker more than anything.

I'm going with it being a bit of a joke about hospital policy to take patients to the entrance via wheelchair upon release from care

Because maybe Rick knows just how shitty cops can be? And it was confirmed by the other cops.

LOL no. The cop allowed rape and other terrible things to take place. So yeah dude deserved exactly what he got. Rick is not evil

bless this thread

Erm. Sara wore a platinum blonde wig

OH MY GODS. I didn't even notice. LOL

I want to give this comment ALL the upvotes. ALL Of them

LOL this is the single worst development in the history of this show. What a farce. I am so disappointed.

Supernatural has been so damn good this season. Just really good.

If I could upvote this comment twice I would and LOL. Well said

Pretty sure they aren't trying hide his shaven head

Man, you'd think they could just throw us a bone and give us some place to discuss amongst ourselves :(

Man I need to talk about Riechenbach and Soul Survivor.


2 episodes.

No, Laurel. You do not get use a victim of DV as your excuse to commit your own act of violence because you have this RAGE. Fuck you for that. You didn't help the girl at all. You condemned her to more violence once that POS gets out of jail. Congratulations on ruining her life.

Love your username