
If this is being played straight by the show, then Flashpoint is the only way to sell this bullshit storyline. I've been rewatching s1and IMO this is a retcon of Oliver's characterization. The only other option IMO is this is a long con by Oliver.

I laughed, I cried. The final goodbyes were fantastic. I'm glad we never learned Not Lucas Hood's real name. I loved this nutjob show and I will miss it so much.

I migrated to PTV and love it there and here. I don't post as much here anymore since they stopped covering Supernatural PTV manages to mod..well,moderately. Their basic rule is "Don't Be a Dick"…which really made me laugh but it works!

I don't understand this comment. The writers retcon'd the premise of their OWN SHOW! They wiped out the Two Witnesses premise to kill Abbie but somehow keep Sleepy Hollow going. It's STUPID. They lost sight of what actually makes the show work and that was relationship between Ichabod and Abbie in whatever manner.

I have never been so angry about a character death or a show's suicide. Too much stupid to comprehend.

FUCK YEAH, RICHONNE! I haven't posted here in a while, but I had to stop by to say I called this 3 seasons ago. What a fantastic choice by the show to go where this relationship was legitimately headed.

S10 absolutely needed coverage with the advent of demon!Dean and the MoC storyline playing out.

Women of Letters podcast is pretty great too

Does the fact that the trailer is getting a mention here mean that AVC will resume weekly recaps for s11? Too much to hope for?

Not sure what you are saying here by quoting portion of the article but I'll address it because it further shows the laziness in the writing and research of the article. Or possibly the article is written purposefully in this way to ignore that the Messengers is not really doing anything new at all on the CW with

Supernatural pretty much became nothing but the Apocalypse and an allout angel war. Angels are a big deal in Supernatural

Except Supernatural already had angels. Sigh..

I thought the 100 started really well with the pilot, just like Supernatural and Arrow. Then the 100 went to much into teen drama but holy hell, did it rebound with a vengeance into hardcore sci-fi.

Seriously. I cannot believe this review could get that SO WRONG. Wow.

Um. Clearly this reviewer has never read or heard of Supenatural which has had angels since 2009. And still has them as MAJOR ARCS. Good grief. The laziness in this review is laughable. And one of the most popular characters for 6 seasons on Supernatural is an angel named Castiel.

Way late to the party, but I am so happy Katrina is gone.

I think Lincoln has been fantastic all along but now Rick is getting back to being a leader and a badass.

Also, it's your opinion that Rick is a terrible leader. So it's not really "end of story". Saying Rick is as bad as the Governor is just well…laughable.

Beth got herself killed by trying to stab Dawn with scissors. If Rick hadn't hatched the plan WITH Daryl neither Beth nor Carol stood much if any chance to survive without being raped or living as indentured servants.

Because apparently men are no longer allowed to actually have feelings about things. I hate the term myself.