
Laurel as BC can only work out when she spends 5 years on an island on another show off my Arrow….

Arrow is Bi-SearchEngine.

Not to mention the occasional reset courtesy of Cas

AV Club: 452 comments on this article. Clearly SPN fans want to use your site to talk about Supernatural.

It's safe to say it's ironically used now.

Except that's not really true anymore. John Barrowman, Paul Blackthorne, Jesse Williams etc are all in their mid to late 40s

I'm very confused by this comment. LOL sorry

That really bugged me. It was just as cheap and shoddy as the crappy Hell in s8.

Dude looks amazing. I can't fathom him suddenly looking terrible when he's 46

Dean is 37 in the show. No reason why he wouldn't start showing some signs of aging. I don't really get this complaint liek at all

Don't Fear the Reaper in "Faith" set the whole thing off with great music cues

How so? What would the commenters have to do with writing a review? That doesn't make sense. The writer's opinions are the writer's opinions. Weird

Yeah I really liked s7 because I liked the leviathan arc and Dick jokes. I was really let down by s8 because it started so strong with Dean's purgatory arc and that I thought he would actually be action man throughout but then they gave it to Sam for reasons that I still do not understand. I think it would have been

I was so hoping s6 was going to start with Dean and Cas hunting God after their talk in the car. But nope. Had to have domesticated!Dean instead. Bleh

6 was so weird. I think they blew it with dragging out soulless sam and having dean retired. I was never a fan of ben and lisa at all just because I thought it was a really inorganic way to give Dean a life.

I just wish they would give Dean more to do than worry about Sam. But I like the hunts with an overarching mytharc. demon!Dean as a hunter would have been awesome

Well I think that is a way harsh reading of the show. I think they found some new legs last season. There are at 2 million viewers every week so that's enough stave off cancellation. But you know you just leave that doddering old fool to those who will look after it. Enjoy your freedom!

Followed by the David Bowie cue when Dean fights the fairy

Yep I am pretty disappointed. I hope it's a ruse and that there is more to be had there. At least Dean still has the MoC to deal with. But yes, I'm really disappointed even though I despised the idea of demon!Dean on principle. Jensen was doing something incredibly skilled and it's dman shame they seemingly have

Interestingly, this one article has prompted over 150 comments. Isn't that enough to get the AVC PTB to reconsider dumping the SPN reviews? Clearly you have readers that want to discuss the show on YOUR site and not elsewhere.