
Demons have been a part of the show from the beginning. The angels have not and I'm pretty tired of the angels

I think the show had some great new legs this season and last with Dean's actual very own mytharc. I sure hope we haven't seen the last of that.

I don't really understand the wish for cancellation. I mean you just simply don't have to watch it. Why wish it to be canceled whilst others do still enjoy it?

AVClub. You guys really need to rethink dropping SPN. The most recent episode Reichenbach, is one of the best of the entire series. IMO. They have found a new gear in s10 and so far it's pretty damn amazing. Demon!Dean has not disappointed.

I don't even see the point of them doing the 200th review because all context of what took place leading up the 200th will be lost. So I am going to just keep posting comments on SPN on the What's On Tonight threads.

I'm going to keep bitching about AVC's decision to stop covering Supernatural. Tonight's episode was one of the BEST in the past 3 seasons. Demon!Dean is not a disappointment.

Agree to disagree at this point. We just see it from completely different perspectives

But it was shown in little ways all along from the first moment he smiled at her. He was always touching her arm or her shoulder, he fucking KILLED for her after he swore to never kill again. You can choose to not see it but it was there.

No it wasn't. The only thing implied and then confirmed is that they knew each other in the past. and we now know why. Nothing to do with him sleeping with her.

He tweets about Supernatural and Sleepy Hollow too..I think

Tell that to the showrunners. They said she was Black Canary


Ra's would not care about Sara's murder except as it upset Nyssa. Ra's was actively trying to kill Sara. He would have no reason to go after Ollie.

It's not a retcon at all. Go back and watch their very first meeting. Watch every look they gave each other. It was a slow burn. But it was there. Also, read this. You can spin it as pandering all you want but that's just simply not the case.

I would be more annoyed if Felicity had not been crushing on Oliver from the get go.

This is just not true. The single reason Felicity's role was elevated was the showrunners, writers etc saw her in the dailies BEFORE we EVER saw her on screen. They saw the chemistry between EBRand SA and they wrote the story according to that. Obviously, any show would be fools to not take positive fan response in…

And when exactly will Laurel have her actual crucible and no her addiction doesn't count? Laurel has not earned a fucking thing to be BC. Her name alone does not make her Black Canary in the show.

I laughed at the retractable bow. I sort of hope they do away with that

Not sure if serious…..

Well there is no pretending. She was a GREAT Black Canary.