
I think it's a HUGE mistake for them to kill off Sara to elevate Laurel. I think Sara was pretty well accepted as the TV Black Canary regardless of the comics canon.

But Malcolm has no beef with Sara AFAIK and neither does Thea.

This is correct

Well, I can't argue that point LOL

No. Because relationships are part and parcel of superhero shows.

Awww….cute. But no.

And you could not be more wrong. The showrunners saw the chemistry between SA and EBR long before we EVER saw them together on screen which is why EBR had an increased role. And really, isn't the Laurel/Oliver paring even worse? Doesn't Oliver cheat on her in the comics and didn't they get divorced at one point? Yup,

I don't even get your point.

Also, "Frak" : I giggled a silly amount at Felicity throwing out a BSG reference. That was awesome

Laurel Lance can fuck off. She is the worst character in the show. She does not have a rightful place as Black Canary. I do not care about comics canon.

I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. It's horrible

I really hope you are right. I really do. I could accept that. But sadly, I don't think it's the case. :(:(:(

That kiss was exactly what I needed. Thank you, thank you , thank you.

They are totally stealing mythos from Supernatural.

Way late to the party, but man I loved Ichabod's response to the gay marriage issue. and that he was appalled about hats inside. That was great. I laughed so hard.


Oh. Show. Never change.

It's rather mind boggling really.

Previously.TV has some good SPN discussion.

WTF? How can you drop Supernatural when it's just beginning it's milestone 10th season and Dean Winchester finally has a damn storyline of his own. C'mon TV Club, rethink this.