
Destiel would happen before Wincest which means probably never. LOL

What I loved about everyone here is essentially they all rescued themselves or at least tried to or at contributed to their own rescue. Even Katrina tried of her own accord.

Maybe they need to change it to The Maltese MacGuffin and people will get it.

Yes because having the best friend sleep with the best friend's sister is always the best choice. Fuck no. That's the worst choice.

I think Castiel still wins because he's not human. And even with the SPOILERSSSSSSSSS……

That's what confused the hell out of me. I literally sat there wondering if Fox fucked up and aired the episodes out of order like they did with Firefly and Dollhouse. But then every time Ichabod took a break I thought this is weird and he must be hallucinating but still trapped. Although I couldn't figure out why he

I was shouting at the TV , hey Supernatural was doing that before it was cool! I was kind of annoyed lol. Not to mention the arsenal in the trunk.

Gods I love this stupid show. It still has just the right amount of batcrap crazy. I loved Ichabod's annoyance with not being able to record on the phone and how awesome that he remembered to use the phone! And there were some genuinely freaky effects too. Welcome Back Sleepy Hollow

Oh gods yes.

Godsdamn you.

****************SPOILERS FOR S3*************LOOK AWAY YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED*******************

I just pretend that is when the show ended. It makes it perfect.

He's a fantastic character.

I will add his final words in the show as the ultimate in Callis' understated beautiful work. Why don't you just punch me in my heart, James?

Oh gosh Gaeta. Agreed

3rding for Gaius Baltar and Callis. He is my favorite character in the show and is in my top 5 favorite characters of all time

OMG OMG. This is my favorite show in the history of ever. I am so happy you are doing this. I'll be following along! Favorite characters as follows

This was by far the best Marvel movie yet. It was funny, had heart and the SFX were fantastaic. Just one helluva lot of fun. A+ easily

LOL, I agree. I was seriously expecting him to do some kind of bad ass move…but oh well.

I missed the silent clock for Audrey. And now I'm freaking out because you can't have Jack die with an offscreen death. That's cheating. :(