
I agree! I loved her Third Watch. I can't stand Audrey. Never could


I didn't say China signed off on that. I was referring to Cheng's group. I should have been more specific.

That is who I was referring to, not the Chinese as in the government. I was referring to Cheng's group. I should have been more specific. Although, it would be amusing if we found out that Cheng actually was working with the Chinese government all along.

I'm in.

Honest to gods. If we got a resurrected David Palmer..and there was no mic drop and Jack turning arond and walking away…then I just don't even know. That would be the ULTIMATE fake out.

If you are implying that 24 is not a vastly superior show to the Last Resort then I don't know what version of 24 you've been watching. Even s6 is better than Last Resort (which I actually enjoyed)

With all the speculation about who the Vice President is, I think it would be hilarious if we never actually meet or even hear the VP's name. It would be the ultimate troll move and so very 24. If they get another season they could reveal it in the very last frame before going to black.

We don't need it to make sense. This IS 24 after all.


I'm beating the same drum, friend

It speaks highly though of s2 that even with that stupid cougar plot line that it's in the top 3 or 4 seasons

mine is 3,2,5,9,4,7,8,1,6

He's the Vice President. I'm telling you. Mark my words

I was yelling this at the TV. I was like VERIFY! But that might be from watching Crimson Tide one too many times..

HOLY SHIT. This. season. So the Chinese just manipulated the US into a war with China. Well, I did not see that coming!

Holy crap. I totally forgot about that! Damn

Why not? She only needs her feet and legs to jump out of the window.

Wait what?

Yes, such a sweet disarmed middle aged fucking terrorist.