
That's Clarence Ovuer. Over

LOL on what planet are you living that he could steal that from Jack? It's like you don't even know Jack!

I swear to Gods, if there is a Cubs mug, I might cry

The cool part is that you don't even have to watch it!

I dunno man. I'm still stuck on Jack taking a hacksaw to poor Chase's arm :(. I guess that wasn't really badass as much as sad.

Everyone can be used.

Because maybe there is someone bigger than Margot that he hates more.

I'm largely counting on this

"What's the vector, Victor"

Tony Almeida

Yes, the woman that tried to murder the president, murdered her son-in-law, and would have murdered her daughter whom she demanded kill the child of her sister-in-law and any number of untold civilians for whatever reasons is the one we should worry about…

Except that isn't what matters for the joke. /awaits wrath of Patriots fans

You say "Even Nina" as though she was dumb at any point.

But that's not even a nitpick. It's not problematic enough to be a nitpick.

Exactly. I watch football (handegg) here in the US at sports bars and virtually everyone is checking their fantasy football team on their phones or tablets or notebooks or laptops the entire time. I just don't see where Chloe being in the pub on her laptop is remotely suspicious.

Personally, I think it has been revealed in Jack's behavior towards them. I think the show it trying to make us wonder if Jack, with all the torturing and being tortured and betrayal and being an enemy of his own country whilst protecting his country, is just so broken now that he doesn't care or it's personal. I'm

I'm betting on there being a reveal that Jack has a personal grudge against this family given the venom he has directed towards them to this point. 24: This Time…It's Personal

It was much more fun when it was Belichick :(

If Chloe doesn't survive, gods help the ones that do her in! You think Jack is a cold, ruthless, motherfucker now? Yeah…I would leave the frakking solar system if i had the likes of Jack Bauer after me. The only other person I'd be more afraid of ?

I really don't have a problem with this. She might not have any more to do with the situation than the guy that is gregarious, chugging a pint and constantly looking at his smartphone. I'm sure there is an app for controlling drones.