
You know what, I could live with a cameo of Kim Bauer for Jack's sake as long as she's not involved in any meaningful way. Like when she comes to Jack's bedside as he lay dying at the end of this season.

It's ratings flagged but not enough for outright cancellation.

Hey, Saville Row is not far away. Tailors galore!

I stand by my assertion until I see Heller's cold dead exploded parts and dental records. I don't trust the showrunners to not fake us out because they also told us Tony Almeida was dead, too.

I just don't agree that Chapelle died with no dignity. Maybe that's just because I don't think that crying and being afraid is undignified.

FTR, I didn't find it problematic here. . I mentioned Dean Winchester because it's an established character trait for him to use it with demons and monsters and enemies, male or female. Dean's never used it with non-enemies. It's more that Jack Bauer has not been prone to use "bitch" specifically directed at a female

I didn't mention it because it particularly bothered me but more that it was something Jack doesn't generally do. I think it could be part of his just not giving any fucks anymore attitude.

Not James Mason…George Mason

Remember Tony Almeida? Jack's bestie? The one that died….but then he didn't…but then he did….but then he didn't. Remember Nina? The one that died but then didn't,

If England is anything like SoCal, there is no twilight to speak of. Once the sun sets, darkness descends quickly.

I don't think it was Jack but that would be kind of awesome. I think Chloe changed what she was doing at the last minute.

I have no idea where you are getting that Ryan whined or begged for his life when the end came. He asked Jack about finding a way out. He asked Jack to let him kill himself but he couldn't go through with it. He cried and was terrified but IMO he still maintained his dignity and gave his life for his country.

Seriously. I'd even rank Jack shooting Chapelle in the head as more shocking and gut-wrenching than this.

Doesn't mean anything. Previews don't tell the whole story.

Oh see I so blocked out Dana's plot line, I forgot about that.


Alexis Drazen.

I was thinking of s3 when Jack shot Chappelle.

24 wasn't cancelled.

Agreed. That's why I think Heller isn't dead.