
Me and at least 7 other commenters. Thank you for your delightfully rude comment though. I stand by my comment. Good day, Sir.

Has Jack ever called anyone a "bitch" before? I was like whoa! Is that you, Dean Winchester?

Dammit I should have read the entire thread. I made the same comment above. Sorry :(

So Say We All

I'm calling it now. That wasn't Heller. They didn't give him a silent clock. If he was really dead they would have. I think Chloe faked the facial recognition software and someone was wearing the Mission Impossible mask of Heller.

Lester is the worst.

HOLY SHIT! I would be ecstatic if that happens with Tony.

There is nothing in the show that ever pointed to they were all dead the entire time.

The discussion is comparing PILOT episodes. Many great pilot episodes are not the best episode of many great series at all. I'm not sure why you keep bringing that up.

The job of a great pilot episode is to:

The repeat airing of the pilot is the one that I saw. I was home flipping channels and I thought well I'll check it out. HOLY SHIT! They had me at Jack running across the beach with all the wreckage and I stayed through the end. Never missed an episode.

Forever sad about Mr Eko

I hope coming here and bantering with us and discussing shows will help you during this difficut time :(

Condolences. :(

Has there ever been another series of numbers that created such a firestorm of speculation?

This is not at all what happened. Why does this idea persist?

Not too mention time travel which a lot of people complained about.

"She-fucking-nanigans" ….

Fair point I should have been more specific

I'll put Supernatural's pilot as one of the best.