
Ha! I do the same thing.

Oh man I loved Flashforward!

It did but in a different way since it was a different genre.

LOST imo set a new standard for what viewers want and needed in a pilot to stay with the show.

Holy shit. To this day I will never forget that moment and how much it broke my brain.

You seem to be overly invested in trying to diminish others enjoyment of something you didn't enjoy.

I was already crying like after 5 minutes, but it was controlled, silent tears. But when Vincent shows up, that's it, I become a blubbering, gross, loud sobbing mess.

I think Evangeline did a fucking great job as Kate. It was her first role and I think she did everything they asked her to do. She was legit badass when she needed to be; she handled the emotional scenes with aplomb and brought some snark. I have zero issues with Evangeline as Kate.

I sure as hell was happy to see someone actually ask the question that all of us were thinking. And if I had been on that island I would have asked the same thing. So I'm gonna disagree that it wasn't a real life moment.

So Say We All (or at least a whole lot of us)

Sayid has always been my favorite, hands down. No question. Closely followed by Desmond and Jack…yes I said it. I liked Jack.

I never once felt like this watching the show. I have no bitterness. I found it to have an emotionally satisfying ending which ultimately is what mattered to me. I didn't care that I didn't have all these answers because I'm sure if they did answer I probably wouldn't have liked the answers.

It deserves every bit of love because this pilot was fucking awesome. It set a new standard for television IMO. Both can be true .

Fair point. And "The Constant" now that I think about it.

I have at least two "son of a bitch" noted.

How is this not A+ ?

But that is not THIS show. Why would putting Jack on his ass make this a better show? It wouldn't. It would be taking this ridiculously OTT badass character and cutting him off at the knees. We don't watch to see Jack Bauer get captured or beaten. We watch to see What Will Jack Bauer Do. How will he avoid capture,

This is probably wherein my fear and loathing lie.

So you want to watch something completely different than 24 with Jack Bauer

I'm saying the drone itself was stealthy. Maybe they couldn't scramble one fast enough? Iunno