
There was at least one Jack "dammit"


That poor kid is so screwed.

There is nothing wrong with a trope done right.

I think he kind of gets a bad rap. I really liked him in the first Transformers (yes I like the first Transformers, leave me alone!). He was good in Disturbia. I pretty much like him in most things and don't think he's generally the problem in bad films.

I remember Eagle Eye. It wasn't terrible

re Jack's manbag. Nope, I did not smile. That is Jack's manbag. That really pissed me off.

Exactly! They already gave her his Jack-Death-by-Thigh move and now his manbag??? Fuck no. That's a bridge too far.

Next season…

Arrow has been pulling off equally awesome action sequences since it's inception with a fraction of 24's budget.

I agree completely.

I'm irrationally annoyed that Kate carried his Jack-bag.

Arrow was THISCLOSE to a drone chase scene.

That's torture, friend.

I'm not even convinced he entirely regretted that.

She's in danger of becoming Kate Sue

I knew she wouldn't be injured. I love this show but come on, even Jack at least acted like he had pain but carried on anyway.

HOLY CRAP! That was great!

People couldn't stop talking about it for months!

I remember exactly where I was when it happened. I was visiting my mom who did not watch the show at all. So I said, "Hey I"m going to watch this" and when I lost my marbles over that she just sat there shaking her head at me like I was a loon.