
Hear, hear

Good point about Fringe

Gods, the New Caprica time jump at that time was the single most jawdropping thing that show ever did followed not long after that by the FTL jump of the Galactica into the atmosphere. S3 BSG was amazing. And BSG still remains my favorite show of all time(not that anyone cares I just needed to say it).

Holy crap. Who wins between Dean and Jack? I'm going with Dean because he is scrappy as all hell and well…Mark of Cain now….

I'm talking within 24, not out in the other media. No one else in 24 did that but Jack that I can remember.

Oh. This actually makes sense. Kind of boring but makes sense.

Kate will be okay as long as she doesn't screw Jack.

I think of Dean Winchester more than Sawyer.

They broke up but I don't know if it was confirmed that he died in Valencia or not.

I swear to Gods if this show managed to get Misha Collins back from the dead as part of Jack's Serbian connections, I will give this season a A+ and put it right next to s2,3, and 5 as my favorites.

We got a "son of a bitch" if that helps.

Logan was great. I think s8 would have been fine without Dana. Gods what a terrible character and boy did it do a disservice to Katee Sackhoff who is a good actress but if you never saw her as Kara Thrace, you'd never know it. Ugh.

I'm irrationally hoping for Tony Almeida. I just want Tony back. It's stupid but I don't care!

Ha! I forgot about that!

I liked Chase :(.

I'm actually annoyed that they are transferring the things that were unique to Jack over to Kate or anyone for that matter. Let her figure out her own ways to kill people creatively :(. The Thighs of Death are Jack Bauer's, dammit!

You make an excellent point.

Kiefer played it as though Jack were doing all these things with injuries. Also, do you recollect if Jack ever had his arms in that same position as Kate?

Well, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here

This confuses me every time I see the names Sarah Walker and Kate because it reminds me of Kate Warner who was played by Sarah Wynter and then I get a headache and a sad that it's not Kate Warner because she was awesome.