
Isn't that Sam's thing?

I just don't understand how making him into his worst nightmare is going to help Dean believe he is a worthwhile man?

Yeah but this was Dean's mother. That's a whole different kettle of fish. I never read that scene with Zachariah as anything but disgusting and Dean and Sam were both horrified by it.

Yeah I'm pretty worried about being against AoS. The Flash lead in is great but then those viewers might likely jump over to AoS


I agree that in general ratings do not equal better quality necessarily.

I can't see any reason why they would not give the show time for an proper ending. The network pres has pretty much told them as long they want to be around he'll have them. That tells me he would give them the time to wrap up and leave the show as a legacy for CW. They would be fools to not do that.

"The show has never known how to write angels since season 4 ended, but at least I didn't have to see "comedy" scenes of anyone this season groping an image of Mary Winchester."

What element did Dean demonstrate? Or do you mean his dream about his worst fucking nightmare and fear?

Okay maybe not actual feathers but something that is visible and can be heard. Remember when they die the wings burn and leave a shadow or ash behind. So that seems more than metaphorical.

It's over on TWoP, it's from one of the commenters.

I thought the lack of wings was because they all burned off during the fall. Anna was around before the fall. Also they were physical wings because we could hear the fluttter.

I liked the Dean/Crowley bromance before Crowley fucked him over. I'm less charitable now that he is responsible for Dean becoming a demon.

I finally watched the episode again and I got sad all over again. I thought Jensen looked horrifically beautiful here. I have a question. At one point when he was having his confrontation with Metatron, I swear I thought I saw Dean's eyes go black. Not the full eye cover with the demon eyes but just the iris. It

Mileage varies. I was quite satisfied with the end of LOST :)

I don't think Sam backtracking on his not saving Dean is inconsistent characterization. Sam has always been a bit of a waffler. I thought the things Sam said to Dean in the Purge were one time I thought "Wait, who the hell is this guy" because I never believed that Sam believed the things he said. Unfortunately, the

I disagree completely with that assertion. I expanded on that point elsewhere.

LOST's ending is nowhere near the debacle of Dexter. At least LOST had an emotionally satisfying ending and characters stayed true to themselves.

Until he murdered Dean :(

NOT COOL :(:(:(