
Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I read a review elsewhere that really did make me cry.

I really don't think his comic chops are underutilized at all. Look at Bad Day at Black Rock, LeviathanSam. He's very good with being a funny straight man too.

Oh the wincest fanfics you just inspired.

I never really thought until last season and this season. But I am definitely leaning that it has the potential for more.

I am saying that IMO Dean and Cas are basically soulmates. They are each other's person. It's deeper than friendship, it's deeper than family IMO. Whether it becomes sexual, who knows?

But even when SPN is bad JA, JP and MC can polish all the turds.


This is the first time I am truly considering dropping the show. I suspect I'll at least watch the premiere of s10 but I'm just still really really really upset.

The problem is that if Sam had continued he would have died. So who is going to be willing to donate their blood if they are going to die in the process?

I've wondered about that since the vampire episode wherein he was either playing possum or didn't actually die.

I'm assuming they hadn't thought of the MoC until then?

So if Dean actually died, is his soul now trapped in the Veil?

The wheel spinning episodes came before the ramp up on the MoC storyline though. And Bloodlines was dumped on us with just 3 episodes to go.

That's pretty much where I'm at right now.

I can't help but think that if they hadn't wasted that fucking episode on Bloodlines, we'd be more satisfied with Metatron's motives, the Boys forgiving each other apparently and more about Dean's disintegration.

You mean when he changed vessels between s4 and s5. Yes agree that Dean has always been the better fighter. He fights like a junkyard dog. He looks for openings, takes you offguard. He's stealthy.

Sam didn't seem to have any problem expressing himself at the end of "The Purge". He plainly told Dean what he found problematic, that Dean only sacrificed when it didn't hurt Dean and that Dean did more bad than good. And that if the situation was reversed he wouldn't do what Dean did. What more is there for Sam to

There isn't fanfic speculation. Dark Side of the Moon more than implied that John had hurt Dean physically. And just because their life could have been worse, doesn't make what John did not abusive.

Heh I used dickbag today and I use assbutt more than I should. LOL

We see the emotional perspectives of both brothers throughout the show. I do not understand this idea that Sam is not getting his due.