
But would he do it if it would save Dean from demonity?

The difference though is that this changes Dean's actual species and if demon lore stands he will be evil.

This image makes me want to barf.

My rankings are
9)Survival of the Fittest
8)Devil's Trap
7)Swan Song
5)The Man Who Knew Too Much
4)Do You Believe in Miracles
3)Lucifer Rising
2)All Hell Breaks Loose

If the boys die together in a blaze of glory killing Crowley and Metatron? That's a good ending for me.

I disagree that Dean never thinks about consequences. He just disregards them. He's reckless but he's not stupid and he's a tactician. But after Kevin's murder here he just wanted to act. And in some way Dean's choice to allow Gadreel to possess Sam did save both of their lives in the end. Gadreel's death was

They've been distant before and still would sacrifice for each other. I do think in he did well in Dean's death scene but I also thought they both broke character a smidge during the "I'm proud of us" moment. I thought that there was something more beneath that than just character work. And I thought Jared's crying

I think this is a fair assessment.

It's a more profound bond that just friendship. The show has made it pretty clear that Dean and Cas love each other deeply. Whether that ever amounts to a coupling, is all up for debate.

It crossed my mine but then I immediately rejected it because Dean in all his pigheaded need to rush headlong into a problem was still Dean doing it.

I think Dean was more of an anti-hero than a villain this season or a big bad.

I think my favorite Cas is endVerse!Cas. I think my favorite line reading after "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition" is "Whoaaa, it's you but you are not you, not now you anyway." Perfect line reading is perfect.

I surely hope so :(

I don't know. I think we've seen the last of human!Dean. I really do. I think our Dean died for real last night. And that is a big change. And I want to be as wrong as I can be.

Of course I would. My point was that Sam railing against what Dean did when he let Gadreel possess him is turned on it's head when clearly Sam is willing to do the same to save Dean's life.

The only sense of honor Crowley has is what gets him what he wants and honors a deal. He might not have believed it would work but he sure as hell was hoping for it. All I can say is I'm over Crowley and the sooner Dean and/or Sam kills him the better.

I know that Jared would love him to come back. He's talked about how much he enjoyed working with him and they both apparently enjoy doing some kind of martial arts together.

I'm with you. You know you ping a thought in my head, that I saw elsewhere. Could this demon!Dean be a precursor to EndVerse!Dean? I could almost, almost accept demon!Dean if that is part of the end game.

You know what, I'm going to go ahead and say he is the universe's MVP.

Well, I don't think they did lie really. It wasn't to the scope of GoT but they did have Cas in the angel war which dovetailed with Metatron and Dean and Sam.