
I'm with you. Aside from the overuse of "bitch" "whore" "slut" which always reserved for demons or enemies or monsters, I've not had major problems with the treatment of women in the show. ( I am a woman as well).

I'm thinking surely that is some tongue-in-cheek humor on the writers part.

My caveat on him becoming the King of Hell is that he uses that power for good.

Over 9000

LOL this is true.

I was disagreeing with PeterJ4 suggestion that Dean was emotionally weak that left him vulnerable to become a demon.

Sam has actually had most of the entire shows big arcs. He had the Azazel chosen child thing in s1 and s2. He had the demon blood storyline in s4 and being Lucifer's vessel in s5. He had soulless Sam in s6. He got the trials in s8. And the SamZeke stuff in s9. So I'm not quite seeing where Sam has become marginalized

It was everything I never wanted and was afraid would happen:(

So why are you commenting at all here in s9?

I'm sure they can get him for one episode

Dean said to Sam right before he died(sobs again) that it would be better this way (Dean dying) because he could see what the Mark was doing to him and he didn't want to become what he was becoming. If that wasn't Dean saying he wanted to die or rather was ready to die, then I don't know what was.

Sam specifically said aloud to himself "Crowley, you got Dean into this mess and you better get him out or so help me God I will….." and then the scene shifted to Crowley and Dean.

I wasn't. That's how Sam rolls. He makes proclamations but when faced with really losing Dean, I think he realized that he can't live without him anymore than Dean can live without Sam.

I really liked Tahmoh's freakout in the jail cell in Heaven. He was excellent there. I could see him go from "oh crap, we're screwed to wait, how can we get out of this to his decision to sacrifice himself.

I think he means that Cas was supposed to die at the end of s6, but Cas was so popular by then the show couldn't get rid of him without a huge backlash.

Mileage varies and all that , but I think it was one of the better seasons for balancing the stories for Dean and Sam and Cas for that matter. I think the difference is that for once the writers actually gave Dean his own story arc and stuck to it through the end of the season unlike what they did with the Purgatory

He cold cocked Sam when Sam wasn't hopped up on demon blood. If you hit someone in the right place, you can do it. I don't necessarily think that was a direct result of the MoC.

Speaking of that "butterfly effect" situation…remember when I was saying I don't want a reset. Yeahhh….about that …..I'm rethinking my position on that matter.

To me, Dean becoming a demon is saying that Dean is weak and IMO that could not be further from the truth. He struggles but he keeps on going. I don't think Dean is a fundamentally weak person. He is a survivor. He became much stronger after Purgatory but then they shifted that story over to Sam and made Dean his

I'm not saying it has to be a happy ending. But ending it with Dean as a demon? Fuck that.