
I'm hoping they repurpose it as an episode of the Originals taking place in an alternate timeline guest starring Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.

Ah right. I forgot about that.

Would Sam be willing to sacrifice his life to save Dean? Given that Sam said Dean would only do the sacrificing if it wasn't him actually doing the sacrificing, this puts that in a flip around.

I thought I was reading Enochian or something

They mentioned Jesus in this episode too. Have they ever done that before?

It was okay. I never cared for Jared's cry face, but I thought he did a good job expressing his grief over Dean's demise.


Agreed. If they make Dean evil for shits and giggles, I'm out. If they do it because it will make him heroic in the end, I can probably swallow it.

And that is why I am having trouble abiding this. Dean was so fucked up after torturing souls in Hell he never forgave himself. It was established in s4 that he carried unrelenting guilt for what he did in Hell and because of his torture he broke the first seal. And he had to stop the apocalypse because he started

Explore it with another character. Do it with Crowley for that matter. Why do it with either brother? For me, it's just messing with the basic dynamic of the brothers as hunters in the supernatural world. I tolerated Sam's demon blood thing because he still remained human and even as soulless Sam it wasn't clear

I don't even want a non-evil demon!Dean. I want my fucked up human Dean back.

I refuse to believe that Dean will be remotely happy about being a demon. It's literally his worst fucking nightmare come true. He told Sam he'd rather be dead than become a monster.

I think Crowley was playing the long game even before the blood doping thing.

Sam has as many bad faults as Dean, but I don't think either are particularly self-righteous. I guess I might have a differing view of self-righteousness.

Dean being the first seal. JEEBUS, that is the literal worst thing Dean has had to deal with. And Jensen's performance in that…GUT WRENCHING.

I didn't really care for Jared's performance in Sacrifice. I know that's sacrilege but it felt off to me. Like I thought Sam was supposed to be confessing all the guilt he felt about Benny etc but I thought his line readings made it seem more like Sam was still angry that Dean had other friends he could turn too. I

I don't agree that it makes sense for Dean's character. To me, Dean did enough in his life to make up for any of his fears of becoming a demon since he never became a demon even after torturing souls in Hell. So here, he makes a bad call with the Gadreel possession of Sam which was done out of love and he was so

I don't think Dean has been particularly self-righteous in general. Pig-headed for sure, but self-righteous? I dunno. I don't how much room there is for self-righteousness when you spend most of your time in self-loathing.

LOL at the ants thing. I suppose he could have put him in the trunk

I did laugh at Sam using "bitch" when seemed so annoyed that Dean used it a few episodes ago.