
For me, nothing will ever top Samifer.

I've thought about it a lot because it was the absolute last thing I ever wanted for Dean. I'm just beside myself.

I guess I just don't just Carver and company to get it right. They screwed up Dean's Purgatory story and ended it prematurely. And actually gave Sam part of it. They gave Dean the Mark of Cain, which has been great but now that became something horrific. If they don't find a way to get Dean out of this and make him

And this is precisely why I think Demon!Dean is cruel and unusual punishment for Dean.

Do you remember in "Dark Side of the Moon" and Sam heaven was when he ran away? Dean said "and when Dad got home….." Dean looked utterly terrified. I think it's more than reasonable to believe that John knocked Dean around a little bit for not adequately protecting Sammy which likely also informs his unhealthy need

"Dean has a strong and consistent characterization which they can work with and which helped fuel this story."

Not really.

My problem with destroying Dean to rebuild him is that I don't see the need for it. How many more ways can Dean be destroyed before it's just nothing but sadistic? I don't really want a new Dean. I want OUR Dean to grow and learn to be better by himself and have more self-worth but making him an actual demon for

I actually liked that Dean punched him. Sam wouldn't be left behind. Dean wanted to protect Sam as usual. What better way to take Sam out of harm's way than to punch him.

MVP is Dean. It's always Dean. IMO this show lives and dies on the shoulders of Jensen Ackles. And as much as I am LIVID and heartbroken about demon!Dean, Jensen has carried the season. He took Dean on one hell of journey and I cannot praise his work this season enough.

I'm so upset right now. I really need the episode review to rant.

I'm wondering. You have never said anything good about this show. Why do you watch it?

Adalind got pregnant to get back her powers and she was going to sell her baby to Stefania. Not so sure that is going to qualify her as mother of the year.

I didn't miss it only because the episode ended up being pretty dark despite the cutesy wedding.

In the interest of discussion, please do elaborate on what you think was garbage. I really would like to know.

I think the early episodes still hold up quite well.

Yup it's called Outstanding Stunt Coordination for Drama, TV miniseries or Movie. Fucking Revolution won it last year for a swordfight. So yeah even if Arrow doesn't win they better at least get a nomination.

People go to prison for 20 years for rape, and she's done it twice. And it is rape because she removed their capacity to have informed consent. Sorry but whether she murdered someone or not is irrelevant to her current crimes.

How could there be any amends? She literally raped both Hank and Nick and fucked with Juliette's mind twice!

Thank you. That helped! LOL