
I'm not even gonna lie. I became verklempt and I may or may not have victory armed and I may or may not have shed a tear when Oliver told Felicity he loved her.

Well, thanks for just making me want Henry Ian Cusick to leave the 100 and show up on Arrow. Fuck. I want that badly now.

I really wish they would recast Waller. I just don't think Robinson has the gravitas for the role. Get me central casting on the phone ASAP

OH. MY. GODS. Make it so

I would just like to point out that I called Oliver ending up back on the island.

Oh gods. No. NOT SALLY……I have no can…if Sally is in pieces. Please. Gods. No. No.

No joke, I literally shouted "Fuck you, show. Fuck you " repeatedly whilst flipping the bird with both hands when that happened. I'm still godsdamn angry about that.

I will say that I agree for Castiel it wouldn't matter, but as an audience member I think it would send a really awful message if they only put Cas in a female vessel so Cas could have sexytimes with Dean. That would just be seriously problematic and would be much worse than never pairing them at all.

Man, you got me all excited because I was thinking Timothy Olyphant :(. But Timothy Odmundson is equally exciting. I just want Ackles to work with both of them….:(

Was that before or after announcing 'Galavant", which BTW, looks so bad it will be great?

I think it was that and Sam comments about him doing more bad than good. I've been thinking for a while that Dean is on a suicide mission with the MoC. I think he just doesn't care anymore and wants to take out as many big bads before he calls it a day himself. I thought his conversation with Tessa about suicide

Have you tried using the Greasemonkey disqus click automate?

According to twitter last night some segments of the fanbase think the show is giving some segments of fans the big fuck you regarding Sam. I actually read that some are going to quit the show because Dean told Sam it was a dictatorship. I was just like…oakkkkaayyy.

I didn't love them but I didn't loathe them like other episodes.

Oh I'm so invested now there is no way I don't stay till the bitter end

/shameful confession

I know you replied to PeterJ4 but if you don't my two cents

I will say that the low points this season were not as low as the low points of s8. Even Sharp Teeth, and the Purge had powerful emotional punches at the end of the episodes. But I just haven't really cared about the Angel battle other than how it relates to Castiel and the boys.

I didn't take that as anything other than "punishment" being a death sentence for Dean.

The same way hunters never knew about the 5 monster families in Chicago…..