
I think he didn't want to reveal too much but he's been pretty excited about the MoC storyline

I might even include Dean as psuedo-villain/anti-hero. He's going through some pretty terrible dark times and is out there floating. He's done some really awful, questionable things because means to ends.

SPOILERS! At least in s3 and s4 we got direct on screen acknowledgment and sexytimes of Jack's sexuality.

I loved Dick Roman and I loved every stupid immature dick joke

I watch far too much television. I already said where there were moments that Dean could be viewed as being sexually ambiguous. Remember in s8 with the Golem episode? Dean seemed a bit disappointed that Adam wasn't actually flirting with him.

It's not an argument. It's a discussion. I've not said it is going to happen, but I'm saying it's not 100% impossible either. That's all.

Which part of I am not a Destiel shipper is unclear to you? It would seem that you did not actually read my comment or you wouldn't have just asked me that.


It's fine to disagree with the opinion but the "I don't know how to reply" is quite unnecessarily dismissive. And I don't know why there is zero chance. Could you elaborate?

Point being, it was reconstituted in some fashion.

She absolutely did. She grabbed the knife and pulled it towards herself whilst leaning into it.

IMO, The MoC storyline and Ackles are the one thing that IS selling me on this whole season. He has been polishing turds all season.

How about jaw-dropping boner!? amirite?

Just because both characters have had on-screen sex with women, doesn't mean they couldn't be in love with each other anyway. Bisexual people do exist.

I don't think that's the case re Kripke. He spoke at Comic Con about that and said that he regretted the treatment of Bela's character and wished he hadn't responded to the backlash from the fanbase.

As a lady, I have to take issue with the idea that the women are killed because "ladyparts". They killed Gadreel (apparently). They killed two male angels. Tessa was brought back IMO because it was someone Dean knew and trusted at one time who had a special role in Dean's life/death/life. What other reaper has Dean

I'm not a Destiel shipper. If they end up together, great! If they never get together that's fine too! Regardless of any shippy stuff, that was a significant moment between Cas and Dean and to downplay it as just shippers being shippy is reductive and IMO is missing what it meant for Dean and Cas as friends,

Why wouldn't Metatron cheat? He's pretty weaselly.

I really liked s7 and the Purgatory storyline of s8. I think s9 has been a little uneven but Jensen has been remarkable with dark!Dean.

Cas' wardrobe is acknowledged by Kripke as an homage to Constantine.