
I don't want Crowley to be Team Winchester. I like the manipulative and ambiguous Crowley.

I don't loathe him. I am scared of him. And that is all because Jensen Ackles is really selling it. I'm really hoping Dean finds himself in all that and comes out of this stronger. I will say that I cheered a little bit at "dictatorship" until they kill Metatron.

It was just right…

Oh gods. Wait, are you saying Jimmy Novak would return and Cas would be really most sincerely dead?

I was thinking about Anna. Didn't she do something to get her vessel back after her whole being regraced and popped back to Heaven for punishment? I can't quite remember

I thought that was him!

I love Balderdash myself. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard whilst playing a game. Pictionary comes close though

Pictionary. That is all.

The only fanwank I can use to make that work is that by closing off Heaven, reapers don't have the same powers as before.

I really did forget about it being from Lucifer. Crap.

I wasn't particularly upset that Tessa died. I just wish she had remained a reaper with none of this stupid angel thing.

Eh. Maybe for the right money and right cajoling he would write one or two episodes.

Wuuuut ? :(

I'm crossing what needs crossing for this to happen

I'm assuming the First Blade will kill any and every thing

Speaking of Alastair, when they were playing "Dancing Cheek to Cheek" I thought they were going to resurrect Alastair. Then when they didn't I got a little annoyed that they used that song for this other purpose. I was also annoyed that they had the bowling alley angel say "Authenticiy" which was a direct lift from

I thought Jimmy was long gone already

HOLY CRAP! I never thought about that. Could Dean have purposely sliced Gadreel without intending to kill him to get the grace for Cas? Because that would be all kinds of awesome.

IMO Dean was going to let Cas kill him so Cas could prove himself to his army and Cas chose Dean over his angel army. That's the only thing that mattered in this episode.

Ah. Thanks. I thought the whole thing was in the can.